Jungkook left just before lunch time, he doesn't like crowds and that's why he left before the place was full of people. Yoongi always teases him after Jin comes back, he feels Jin becomes a different person when he is with Jungkook, he talks a lot and smiles a lot.



"I'm sure he has goals with you"

"What do you mean?"

"Jin, he comes here every day, you said he was married but he looks like a lonely man"

"That's because he was lonely, his husband went abroad for a photo shoot"

"Why doesn't he go with his husband?"

"His husband is nervous if he is there"

"Bullshit, his husband must be having fun with another man"

"Yoongi!! Don't say that, I met his husband at that time and he seemed to really love Jungkook."

"What is seen with the eye can deceive Jin"

Jin returned to his apartment at 9 pm he saw Tae already asleep in his bed, he approached his son and sat beside him. He stroked Tae's forehead and kissed it.

Every time he saw Tae's face, he always remembered the man who had raped him, Tae had a face similar to his father. But Jin can't hate Tae just because his face is similar, he's definitely a different person and he really loves Tae.

Jin laid his body on the Sofa after cleaning himself, he looked up at the ceiling and thought about many things, after he experienced the rape, he always had nightmares and couldn't sleep well, but after Tae was born, everything changed, he had trouble sleeping because of taking care of him and it was a pleasure for him. At that time he was only 16 years old when he was pregnant with Tae, when his senior raped him. Still too young to conceive, too young to even do such a thing, but the man was in prison now. He received a punishment that Jin thought was disproportionate but much better than he was out here.

That morning Jin wakes up with a headache, he cries all night thinking about what happened in the past, he wakes Tae up after cleaning the whole house and preparing breakfast for him and his son.

"Papa, why do I have to get up early? It's Sunday right? I can get up late every Sunday"

"I'm sorry Tae, but do you remember someone who helped you at the festival?"

"Hmm, Uncle Bunny?" Jin smiled as he remembered that person whereas he forgot the second time he met.

"Yes, uncle bunny, he wants to take you for a walk today, do you want to?"

"Yes.. yes papa, I want, but can I go with a stranger?"

"Actually he is not a stranger, every day uncle bunny comes to the café and we talk about you, he is a friend"

"Talk about me? Am I a bad kid?"

"No, you are not a bad kid, we are talking about you because you are amazing baby bear"


"Yes, you are the most extraordinary thing that papa has in this world"

"Is uncle bunny with uncle Jimin? I don't want to go if Uncle Jimin is there."

"Hey what's wrong? Uncle Jimin is good right?"

"Yeah, but I don't like him" Jin was confused why his son could decide like that, he was not a child who easily said something especially about his feelings but he immediately said he didn't like Jimin in just one meeting.

Jin and Tae went to the cafe together and of course that made Yoongi confused, because so far Jin had never brought Tae there.

"Morning Uncle Yoongi"

"Hey, little boy, morning" Yoongi raised an eyebrow at Jin.

"Jungkook asked me to bring him here, he said he would take him for a walk"

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, what is up?"

"You guys have only met for two weeks and you are entrusting Tae to him? It's not you, Jin."

"But Jungkook is my friend, he's not a bad person and he likes children"

"Or is it just because he likes you?"

"Yoongi, that doesn't make sense, he's already married Yoongi"

"So? You always say that and I know, but he always comes to you Jin, can't he forget that his husband is out there, not here"

"Yoongi please stop saying things like that, I just think of him as a friend and so does he"

"I hope so, hey little boy, I have milk, do you want?"

"Yes uncle, please"

"Ahh you're so cute, come with me" Yoongi led Tae into the kitchen to give him milk, leaving Jin there who was digesting Yoongi's words.

Jungkook came as usual, 10 am. He entered the café and Jin greeted him with a warm smile.

"Hey Jin"

"Hey Jungkook"

"Where's Tae? You brought him right?"

"Yeah, he's inside with Yoongi" Not long after that Yoongi and Tae came out, Tae immediately ran to Jungkook and hugged him. Jin and Yoongi just stared at each other, they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"Uncle bunny"

"Hey baby boy, you remember me?"

"Of course, I like your smile" not only Tae, Jin also likes Jungkook's smile and it makes Jin blush when Tae compliments Jungkook.

"Thank you, your smile is also beautiful, just like your papa" Jungkook turned to Jin and it really made Jin blush.

"Ahem" Yoongi couldn't believe what he was hearing, why did he have to be there?

"Yoongi" Jin turned to Yoongi and Yoongi just smiled.

"Do you mind if I ask him out?"

"No, where are you taking him?"

"To the beach, I wanted to take you but—"

"You can invite him" Yoongi said.

"Yoongi, no, of course I can't come, it's Sunday there will be a lot of customers coming"

"It's okay, Jackson is coming he will help me"

Jin just stared at Jungkook who was waiting for Jin's answer.

"Papa, let's go to the beach with uncle bunny"

"You want to come Jin?"


"Yes, yes he wants, he will change clothes for a while wait here okay?" Yoongi pulled Jin into the room.

"Yoongi what are you doing?"

"Jin, this is your chance"


"When will you be able to go out with your son? You are busy working and leave your son with someone else"


"Yeah I know, I know, now don't make excuses, I know you want it, your eyes can't lie, change clothes and go, have fun Jin, you deserve to feel it, feel a family, for Tae"

"That's an too much Yoongi, I went as a friend not as a partner"

"We never know what will happen next Jin, go"

December 21th

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