Log 2. New Home

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One of the few things I came in contact with as soon as I regain my senses is a new batch of cold freshly cut fruits placed on the side of my bed. And ever since then, I have not spent each day without heartily consuming every meal I was given. I mean, come on! Just who makes them? Everything is simply oozing with flavor.

I happily chomped on my share of breakfast while sitting on a busy wide room which they call a cafeteria. I am joined by a lot of people, mostly female in gender who are of the same age as me. Apparently, there were others like me who appeared on that same night. I, along with the other girls, was transported to another room after our original ones went haywire. I heard from the staff that they all experienced the same distorted walls after waking up from a trance, yet I like to think I happen to bear the blame. I just can't understand why the girls do not talk about the odd incidence.

Must be unimportant.

I looked around to see the other girls who were also eating their food, while there were others who have already made friends with one another and started chatting. I turned to the side of my seats and sighed.

I don't even have anyone.

I think about my friendless state. Everyone seems to be comfortable enough to stick with somebody. Anybody but me. But I guess, it doesn't matter. I faintly shook my head to regain my line of thoughts. I'm just being pessimistic again, but I'll find one eventually. Anyone can be my friend. Even the man with the cold eyes.

I suddenly stopped chewing as soon as I thought of him. It has been weeks since I last saw him, and a lot has happened since. Or maybe not.

When I woke up, four girls, including me, were placed in the same room. They are what they call my roommates. Two of them were tall and radiating with beauty, while the other was just timid and shy. I remember their names to be Atasha, Gem, and Fauna. Such unique names, I told myself. But what is my name? I cannot remember. Even the man with a metallic suit simply put 1812 on my placard when he was doing his rounds and was tasked to write our names in order to identify us. I could have invented one, but it just did not sit right at my tongue.

One name I considered was Ursula. But I cringed when I uttered it. It sounded as if I'm a fat witch. Am I, though? I can only imagine. The last time I saw myself on a reflection was when I was being transported to another location. I was pale white and skinny, definitely contradicts to my Ursula option.

But there was just some name in my mind that I wanted to say it, yet I can't seem to complete it.


"What the heck are you mumbling about?"

I came back to reality as I looked up to see Fauna staring at me weirdly. She was one of my roommates who, despite her temperaments, still bothered to give me short hellos and goodbyes. Atasha was just blatantly ignoring me since the day I woke up with them, and Gem was understandably shy.

"Hi, Fauna," I greeted her.

"Yeah, yeah. Hello, hello." She rolled her eyes as she sashayed her long locks of blonde hair. "So, have you heard of the news?"


She looked around first before moving her mouth near my ears.

"There's a big announcement today. Director Rhodes, you know, the big fat man with the white mustache said that the owner of Genecos will meet us later."

That's right. Director Rhodes was one of the officials who greeted us on the day we were put together. He said that a multi-billion company called Genecos made it a mission to save women from a current war as it brought a mass threat to our society. It must be the reason why we were found to be as clueless when we were taken.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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