Short Stories 2.2

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The teatime ended smoothly, but both Bina and the duchess knew that this was only the beginning of something big.

Before the duchess left, Bina said to her, “You probably have been very busy with taking care of your father-in-law that you haven’t seen Yulia in a while. She is off today and resting in her quarters. Please feel free to visit her and spend some time with her.”

“Thank you for your thoughtfulness.”

The duchess bowed deeply, and she seemed genuinely thankful.

Bina grinned and stood up. It was time to visit her daughter.


Royal family maids didn’t get many days off. This was especially worse for Bina’s maids because they were shorthanded.

Within this year, both Loventis sisters, who came before Yulia, left after getting married.

The maids became good friends, and, therefore, Yulia was truly happy for them, but the sudden increase in workload for Yulia was significant and unwelcome.

Additional young ladies were hired to fill the spots, but they were inexperienced. Since Samantha and Agnes were too busy, Yulia ended up being the one who needed to train the new maids.

Yulia had been overworked because of these reasons. Bina felt bad for her and that was why she gave Yulia a day off today.

Yulia was having a lazy day with a nice book when her aunt came in for a visit.

“Oh, Aunty!”

Duchess Lonensia smiled broadly. “Are you well, Yulia?”

“Yes, thank you. I heard you came here for a meeting with the empress. How did it go?”

As one of the maids of the empress, Yulia knew her schedule very well.

“Yes, I met with her highness, and… I also gave her a piece of honest advice.”

“… Advice?”

The duchess smiled gently and changed the subject.

“By the way, won’t you offer your aunt a seat?”

“Oh! I’m sorry, Aunty! I got distracted; I was just so happy to see you…!”

Yulia blushed in embarrassment. It had been so long since she saw the duchess that she forgot her manners.

Yulia guided her aunt to the best seat in the room and ordered her servant to bring in snacks.

The duchess picked up her teacup.

“So… I heard the younger Loventis sister also got married recently?”

“Yes. Luckily, the sisters are living nearby, so they are very happy about that.”

“How nice. It would have been very nice if you also got to marry a nobleman who lives near your sister’s house.”

“… Sure.”

Yulia smiled awkwardly. She had gone through this situation before. If she told her aunt how she truly felt, which was that she didn’t want to ever get married, it would only make the situation worse.

“It’s all because of your awful father and your bitch of a stepmother.”


“My sister’s dowry should have been given to you, and your sister for your marriages…!”

Duchess Lonensia was still furious about Yulia’s father and her stepmother.

She continued, “Are they still trying to claim their ties to you now that you work for the empress?”

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