Eighty Two

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“Your highnesses, the emperor and his wife!”

“Long live the emperor!”

Hundreds of people greeted us in unison.

When we entered, inside the hall was a long red carpet that led to the thrones. It was a path usually only for the emperor.

It was called the royal road.

Everyone else including any other royal members had to follow the emperor from behind.

However, instead of following this rule, I was walking alongside Lucretius.

I was so nervous I was trembling. I felt like my brain was melting.

He whispered to me, “Now, lean on me. I think you must be very nervous.”

“Al, alright.”

His hands felt big and steady as I hung onto him. He was the only one who could help me.

He was the only one I could lean on in this entire world.

He steadied me as we walked together. If it wasn’t for him, I would have fallen on my face.

Lucretius supported me like a giant tree. His shining crown and the bright red cloak looked pale compared to his splendid presence.

He looked so strong.

I felt even more terrified. He was right beside me, but he felt too distant and intimidating.

It would have been easier to follow him from behind. To walk beside him was painful.

The pressure I felt was overwhelming. My anxiety reached its peak when I walked up to my throne.

I had been here before. It was the first day I arrived here.

I had no idea how my life would turn out that day. All I could think of at the time was to run away.

I remembered kneeling to the royal family members at the time.

Today was different. I was the one sitting on one of the thrones.

I breathed deeply.

The empress’ throne was always placed at the same level as the emperor’s. Today, because I wasn’t an empress, the architect had to change the setting. Since it was not possible to lower the existing empress’s throne, they ended up putting an extra step and place the emperor’s throne on it to make it higher than my throne.

I wondered why they didn’t just let me sit somewhere else. It would have been simpler.

Lucretius helped me climb the stairs. When I reached my throne, I turned around to get ready to take a seat. Just then, what I saw in front was overwhelming.

The grand hall was filled with hundreds of the most powerful people of this world.

All the eyes looking at me felt like knives stabbing my body.

‘T, too much!’

Lucretius raised his hand and announced.

“I happily welcome everyone to my very first ball as the emperor of Cransia.”

His voice was booming. It echoed throughout the room.

Everyone applauded and at Lucretius’s signal, I sat down as he did.


The servant continued to announce each guest. This had been going on for a while now.

Individuals walked up to the stairs closer to our thrones to be introduced to Lucretius and me.

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