Fifty One

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Lucretius said proudly. It was ridiculous.

“I’m such an understanding guy. Look how I am treating you! I am willing to do anything you ask, even though you won’t even look at me!”

“Oh, sure…”

I didn’t have any energy left to argue with him. When he saw my expression, he laughed.

“I think if I go on any further, you will get really angry.”

“You’re right,” I answered calmly.

He chuckled and pulled the rope beside the bed to call for a maid.

He continued, “I know you still don’t believe me, but my feeling for you is genuine. I will prove it to you.”

“Prove it to me how?”

When I looked at him curiously, he whispered to me, “It will be a ball season soon. I will be throwing a banquet in your honor.”

“A ball?”

“Yes. It will be the biggest one of this year. Every important figure from all over the world will be invited. Someone you know will also attend.”


“Someone you have met before.”

I couldn’t figure out who it could be.

“It’s someone I know?”

“Yes. It’s the priestess.”

Oh! Oh! I remembered. That lady!

She was the one who was present in the room when Lucretius declared himself the new emperor for the first time. If Lucretius was the most handsome man I had ever met here, then the priestess was the most beautiful woman around.

He touched my cheek gently and whispered, “She is the symbol of our religion Aos. It is believed Aos began even before the beginning of our history.”

“And how would you prove your feeling by that?”

“I will explain. The biggest treasure in Aos is the record by every priest and priestess in history. It includes everything that has happened on this land.”

I was surprised. He smiled vaguely and continued, “If there were ever a person who came from a different world like you, there could be a record of it. The priestess is the only one who has access to this record.”

My mind became a turmoil. I couldn’t understand why he was voluntarily giving me this information.

If his feelings for me were genuine, then he wouldn’t want me to leave. That was my biggest fear. What if he won’t let me go? I was afraid.

I was wrong. He was really helping me to return home as he promised. He was doing it even before I kept my side of the bargain, which was to help him thwart the dowager empress.

I bit my lips, which were dry.

I asked sharply, “Why?”

“Like I just said, I want you to choose me voluntarily. This means I need to provide you with all possible options. To tell you the truth, I don’t think even the priestess will be able to find a way for you to return. Anyway, it will also be advantageous to have a good relationship with the priestess.”

I didn’t know what to say. If I accepted this as proof of his sincerity, that meant I had to acknowledge his feelings for me.

After a few seconds of silence, I asked, “What is it that you want in return?”


Give and take. This was what I learned from him. This was how I defined our relationship.

He flinched. I wanted to ignore it, but his disappointed expression was one I cannot ignore. He touched my chin and gave me an answer that surprised me.

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