Fifty Seven

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It took everything I had to dissuade him. He wanted to ‘help’ me get my dress off and loosen my corset.

I refused him as emphatically as possible. I told him I actually lost a lot of weight recently, so the corset wasn’t as tight as he thought it might be.

When he insisted on ‘helping’ me, I finally said to him, “This is your workplace! What do you think the dowager empress would say if she finds out?!”

Thankfully, he agreed with me on this point and gave up.

What would the dowager empress, and everyone else in the castle, think if I left the emperor’s office with my clothes in disarray? Lucretius would have looked like a sex-crazed tyrant. I would have been called worse.

I assured him I now felt much better. Lucretius seemed disappointed, but he let me go nonetheless.

‘This was way too close. I better be more careful from now on!’

I sweated a little while picking up the teacup the servant brought.

I looked down at the tea while trying to calm down.

Come on, Sa Bina! Snap out of it!

Luckily, Lucretius changed the subject.

“By the way, I’m glad the chancellor appeared to like you.”

“Is… that so?”

“He said his daughter-in-law will come to visit you. He is referring to his second son’s wife, the Countess.”


“He is offering to boost your social status in this kingdom.”

I nodded and replied, “It will be very helpful to establish myself while the dowager empress lay low until the birth of her child. I am thankful.”

He looked at me again like he was studying me.

Finally, he asked me nonchalantly, “By the way… I heard you are interested in the princesses?”

My whole body tensed. I knew I couldn’t hide my reaction on my face, but quickly, I smiled and replied, “Yes.”


I couldn’t show him any hesitation or uncertainty.

I answered immediately, “Do I really need to answer that?”


He became stiff. This was new. Lucretius has always shown confidence in everything, but this time, he looked stunned.

This was perfect.

I explained, “Even though I didn’t tell you about this, you already knew about it. I am sure you already thought about it and decided you know why I did it.”


I felt like I swallowed fire. I drank a big gulp of my tea, but it didn’t help. In fact, it felt worse.

Strangely, my head was clear and calm.

I smiled openly and asked, “Was it Samantha?”


“Or Agnes?”


“I guess it could be the Loventis sisters too. It’s unlikely, but I suppose I can’t rule out Lisbeth completely either.”

The room became silent.

Who was it? I contemplated coldly as I said to him.

“You must already know everything but humor me. It was only this morning when I asked to find out about the princesses.”

Empress of Another WorldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon