One Hundred Thirteen

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Clap clap clap…

The silence broke with a loud applause from the dowager empress who was sitting on the throne elegantly.

She said to us in a mocking tone, “How amazing. What a great love!” Katleyanira laughed at Lucretius openly. “Of all the people in this world, I would have never guessed Lucretius to be the one risking his life to come here for love.”

She seemed excited, probably at the perspective of killing Lucretius.

The dowager empress continued, “But how did you get here without anyone noticing? I can understand you entering the city secretly but into the castle!”

Lucretius answered confidently, “This kingdom is mine and therefore there is nowhere I can’t go in this empire.”

The dowager empress laughed at him as if he told her a great joke.

“So the emperor sneaked in like a mouse. How funny.” She clapped her hands and continued, “Whatever. Your stupid decision has decided your fate.”

The guards surrounding us took out their swords and faced us. It seemed like the hall was filled with the dowager empress’ knights. There were at least thirty to forty of them.

Even if Lucretius was the best swordsman in this kingdom, there was no way he could protect me and kill everyone here at the same time.

I squeezed his hands and whispered to him, “Why did you come here?! I didn’t realize you are this stupid.”

He grinned. “I know you don’t mean that. I can see you missed me terribly.”

“… You made a wrong decision.”

I closed my eyes. Was this really how we die? However, the Lucretius I knew always had a plan for every situation.

“Do you have a plan?”


Lucretius smiled at me blankly.

Did… did he really come here without a plan?

If he did, I wanted a chance to throttle him myself before the dowager empress killed both of us!

While we whispered, the knights came closer to us. In a few steps, the swords would reach our bodies.

The dowager empress told Lucretius, “Put down your sword, Lucretius.”

He continued to smile and held his sword tighter, “Actually, these knights should put down THEIR swords first. By the way, you must be losing your eyesight. It must be your age.”

The dowager empress sneered and asked, “Eyesight?”

“You are sitting on my seat. You are getting so old you must not be able to see where you’re going.”

Katleyanira didn’t react to his goading. She still had a smile on her face, but it looked chilling.

Lucretius was making things worse by angering the already crazy Katleyanira.

What the heck was this man trying to do?

The dowager empress replied, “I’m tired of this foolishness.”

Surprisingly, Lucretius threw his sword on the ground.

“Okay. Now, are you satisfied?”

He then raised both of his hands and smiled brightly.



Everyone, including the dowager empress and myself, became speechless.

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