As night time rolled closer the three of us got changed and ready to go. I wore a shirt that felt and looked tight on me, much like Nikita's but at full length. I refused to collect any large clothing, it made me feel small. The small clothes made me feel larger and appear more muscular which I enjoyed the feeling of. Lysol's clothes didn't stand out as much as mine and my clothes didn't stand out as much as Nikita's.

She walked out wearing her favorite skirt, the same one from my dream. I watched her as she stood brushing her long hair in a small handheld mirror. I felt that pressure below my waist again and I was worried I would pee again so I turned my attention back to Lysol.

"When do we leave?" I asked him.

"As soon as Nikita is finished." He replied. She overheard and got up ready for us to go. 

I admired the full moon as we walked the direction we were told and arrived to the location. We approached a larger house with flashing lights introduced from the windows. There was a large variety of vehicles around the vicinity and a small group of people stood outside holding something that created smoke. When we walked by them there was a smell I did not like. We walked inside and stood there observing the lights that accompanied the loud music as people drank from red cups.

"What now?" I asked loudly over the music.

"We blend in." Lysol repeated loud enough for just the two of us to hear. We walked further into the room and mimicked the rhythmic movements of those that we saw.

"Hey!" The girl from school called out to Nikita. "You guys made it." She said as she stood with another guy much taller than her.

"Yes." Nikita responded loudly for the girl to hear. "Do you have a bathroom we can use?" She asked.

"Yes, down the hall to the left." The girl instructed.

I noticed a group of taller guys watch Nikita as she went to the bathroom and I sensed something unsafe about them. I also had to use the bathroom so I walked into the hall to be next in line.

"You saw that?" Asked the guy nearby the hall sitting on the staircase. "Now that's what i'm talking about." The guy said as the others by him laughed. He finished the drink in his cup along with the other guys.

"More girls who look like that." Added one of the other guys after crushing the cup and throwing it to the floor.

Nikita walked out of the bathroom and I made sure she walked past them before I went into the bathroom. The flashing lights and loud vibrations of the music were beginning to make my head hurt. I no longer wanted to be here. When I got out I went to tell Lysol how I felt but I couldn't find him. I couldn't find Nikita either.

                                                (Nikita P.O.V.)

"Your eyes are pretty." One of the guys nearby me said.

"Thank you." I replied.

"Yeah and I like your hair." Said another guy as he held it in his hand.

"Thank you." I replied again. I enjoyed the feeling of compliments.

"You want a drink?" Asked the first guy.

"No thank you."

"You sure?" He asked as another two boys approached us. "Come on it won't hurt, everyone's doing it." He said handing the cup over to me.

When we first arrived Lysol said to blend in and everyone around us was doing this. I looked down into the cup and there were bubbles fizzing in it that reminded me of the sparkly things I like. I took a small sip of the effervescent drink and immediately coughed. This taste was almost as bad as the first thing I ever tasted.

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