Part 1: Vessel

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Consciousness has no doubts. There are no fears or insecurities, no interests or identities. You are just simply there, existing as non physical energy. Consciousness only has troubles once given physicality, but those troubles can also be exciting. Trouble is an experience, and it is exciting to experience. 

Our vessels were already chosen for us, predetermined by the being who arranged this mission and sent us. One beaming ray of blue light parted into three shot down to the Earthly plane inhabiting the adolescent bodies below.

I opened my eyes, shakily stood up and looked around as I inhaled oxygen for the first time. My eyes weren't sure what they were seeing. Every sight, sound, and smell was unfamiliar to me. I looked down at my hands to see that I have them as well as an entire body. The body was slender and pale in color. I raised my hand and felt a cool breeze of air caress my palm as it slipped between my fingers. I turned over beside me to see two other humans lying on the ground slowly beginning to move, these must have been the other two vessels. The one with dark hair and a warmer pigmentation than my own stood up and began fumbling around in a state of what appeared to be confusion. The other one slightly less pigmentation of the hair and skin stood up as well in a calmer demeanor. The three of us looked at each other for a short while and I felt it was necessary to close my eyes so I did so. I opened them again and after a short moment the feeling returned but this time I did not keep them closed as long, it felt more natural once I noticed the other two doing the same. 

We seemed to be in a clearing of nature. The three of us walked along a pathway until we reached an area with a wider variety of colors and sounds. Machines were moving very fast as we continued to walk and the other humans stayed far away from us holding back the smallest ones as they covered their eyes. Could they sense we were different? Have our vessels already failed us? 

"Sir." Asked one of the nearby humans. What was this sound it was creating? "Sir." Repeated the human louder as I felt light pressure on my shoulder. "You three can't be here like this someone is going to call the cops." It kept making unfamiliar sounds as the three of us stared at it.

Another human walked by who seemed to have a more authoritative presence. "Alright any reason you three decided it was a good idea to walk around the city naked?" It asked. I still just stared with confusion, I wanted so much to understand and communicate sounds back. I opened my mouth just like it did and tried to force it out but my sound didn't sound the same. I kept forcing it until I felt an unpleasant feeling and some sort of liquid substance came out that left an acidic, bitter taste on my tongue. I love the feeling of taste, a new experience. This was the most exciting moment yet and immediately I could feel the sides of my mouth lift up in a curve. I felt a sense of joy.

The human leader stood and looked unpleased as it looked down at it's feet. "Alright." It said sounding a different tone. "You three come with me, let's get you some clothes."

We arrived at a place with fences and sad faces. The human led us into the large enclosure where material of different colors were handed to us. I noticed the mildly pigmented vessel that arrived with me began to attach them to it's body so I did the same. The three of us were dressed and brought to another room with many other humans present. I tried to make sound again.

"Sir." I mimicked the first sound I heard. The woman officer looked displeased and my mouth curved the opposite direction. 

"What did you just say?" She asked menacingly.

"You three can't be here like this somebody is going to call the cops." Repeated the black haired vessel. She turned to face him and his mouth curved widely. The three of us walked away and sat at a table. There was a container holding liquid near by me so I grabbed it. I dipped my finger in it and it was cold, I did not like that. I noticed others with containers holding it up to their mouth. I mimicked what I saw and poured it into my mouth as well instead but only some entered while the rest spilled on to me. 

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