Part 3: Hunter

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We gathered the kitchen knives and when we went outside there was a nearby forest that we approached. Number 1 and 2 both went in at the same time and I traveled along close to them. This activity was called hunting, that would make us the hunter. There were subtle rustling sounds coming from behind the trees and the scent of the forest reminded me of when we had first arrived here. 

"There's something there." Said Number 1 looking in the direction of one of the trees.

"I don't see anything." Said Number 2. 

"I don't see it, I can feel it." Responded Number 1.

We quietly crept closer to the tree and saw a small deer looking in our direction. Just as it began to run Number 1 threw one of the two knives he held and it aimed perfectly at the body knocking the deer over.

"Hey you're pretty good at that." Said Number 2 impressed.

"Thanks." Number 1 said walking closer to the injured animal. I participated very loosely in this activity, as I was not really enjoying this experience. The animal was just like us. It was consciousness inside of a vessel, it did not get to choose it's vessel no more than I got to choose mine. As Number 1 and 2 approached the deer to complete the task and bring it back to the house I stood and observed my surroundings. It felt like the whole world was calling out to me, waiting to be explored. I turned to face the sky, it looked so much more beautiful in the darkness. There were stars twinkling next to the bright white light of the moon. Perceiving the combination of these two images made me feel a sense of euphoria. 

"Alright let's bring it back." Said Number 1 as they carried the animal out of the woods. We got back into the house and they laid it on the floor.

"Well..." Started Number 2. "now what?"

Number 1 looked at the deer and then again at Number 2. "I have no idea." He said.

"You are supposed to cook it." I said to them. "Like on a stove or over a fire or something."

Number 2 walked over to the kitchen and placed his hand on the edge of the stove. "We have a stove." 

"It would be really useful if we had more of those T.V. shows playing." Said Number 1 scratching his jaw with a stressed tone.

"We can figure it out." Number 2 said to him. "Hey maybe go get those books from downstairs Number 3 maybe one of them will help."

I agreed and went to retrieve any of the books that may have seemed helpful. I found one titled "Herbs and Essential Oils" which kind of sounded like cooking. I brought that book upstairs and began reading it as I walked up. I found a page that explained about drawing in money, and then one for love, and another for health. 

"This isn't going to help us at all." Said Number 1 as he quickly flipped through the pages. They began the process through assumption, hoping it would come out correctly. I continued to read the book and saw a page well into the book titled "Transformation" under the title were small sections.

"Change your hair color"

"Change your eye color"

"Change your body

It felt so exciting to read about these possibilities, I wanted to begin immediately. I looked through the index and it showed the pages of the herbs mentioned. On those pages were a display of a drawing of how they look and the uses as well as the common areas to locate them. I decided tomorrow I would go search. 

The meal did not taste that good but when we finished we gathered around and found places to sleep on the floor with pillows and blankets we split that were found throughout the house. This was my first time experiencing sleep, and even more excitingly, I also experienced dreams. Short situations played out in my mind as I laid to rest. I could already see me in my new body.

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