"Welcome." Greeted the shopkeeper. I nodded my head as we walked further along the store. There was a wide variety of weaponry, even what appeared to be armor but the largest and most menacing of swords and daggers were mounted up on the wall behind the counter.

"Number 3." I whispered as she looked through a selection of metallic oil stained knives.

"Yeah?" She asked still transfixed on the shining, colorful daggers.

"I need you to do something for me."

"What is it?" She asked turning to face me.

"Have the man behind the counter take down two of those large swords for me and have him give them to me. Along with the little daggers in the glass case."

"Which ones?" She asked looking over at the case.

"The ones with the black handles."

"Ok." She said walking up to the merchant.

"Hello." She said as she looked up at the man.

"Why hello there, and who are you?" He asked with hinted romantic interest.

"Can I have those two swords up on the wall?" She asked him as I watched from a nearby distance.

"Oh sweetie, I can't get you those, you'll hurt yourself. Those are for grown ups."

"I want them." She said as she gazed into his eyes. "They are mine and you are going to hand them to me." As she finished speaking he stood there in a wide eyed trance.

"Yes of course." He said unmoving from her eyes. He turned to grab the swords and handed both of them to her.

"Thank you." She said. "Those daggers are also mine." She continued as she pointed to the ones I described. He did everything she said.

I walked up beside her. "Get the scabbards for the swords too." Whispering as he was still tranced.

"The what?" She asked confused.

"The things you put the swords in to encase them."

"Give me the, scabbards, too." She said the word questioningly and looking over at me to confirm it's pronunciation.

He did as she instructed, she thanked him again as we walked out.

"That was perfect. Thanks for the help." I told her.

"You know I'm pretty sure you can do it too, you just have to try. Imagine what you want and just will it to happen, it's easy." She said. As we past down the hall she noticed her store she went in last time. "Oh wait, I want to go in real quick, there is something I want." She said walking inside.

"What could you possibly want next?" I asked following her in.

"An upgrade." She said scanning the walls. She picked up a packaging of nails with similarities to hers except longer and in a pointed shape rather than flat.

"I saw a girl with this nail shape, and I want them too." She said. She proceeded to do the same thing to leave with her nails as she did with the swords and we exited the building.

As we were on the way home we noticed Bruce walking in the same direction on the other side of the road just ahead of us, he seemed tired and out of breath. We caught up to him and the three of us walked back together.

"Are you two hungry?" I asked them when we got back.

"I'm way too sore to go hunting right now." Bruce responded.

"No I can go get it for us." I told him. "You Number 3?"

"Maybe a little." She responded.

"Well I am." I said going outside. The truth was I was more enthusiastic than I was hungry. I wanted to try out the sword and practice more. I had the scabbard crossed over my body so I could easily reach over my shoulder and draw the sword.

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