Chapter 32-Simon

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Chapter 32


Morning came way too soon. Shelby and I had the most amazing evening. It was like it always is. We talked about work, pandemic and us. It was great. Not that the sex is not amazing with her, the intimate moments are just as amazing. Maybe even more so. It is like being in love with your best friend. That sound cliche but it best describes how I feel.

In the SUV, Shelby gives me the directions to Frank's apartment. We are meeting him so we can follow to our destination. We stop to go through a drive through. Shelby has me order her a tea and a coffee for Frank. "You know how he takes his coffee," I say realizing I sound jealous. She just rolls her eyes and takes the tray from me after I pay for everything. She sets up my coffee me and unwraps the breakfast sandwich that I ordered and places it in my hand so I can concentrate on the road. It is such a simple gesture but one that makes me feel nice. I have to say it one more time. It is these moments that will make our memories.

Just as I turn the corner where Frank's apartment is, I see a black SUV just like the one we have. The driver's side door is open and as we pull up, I finally get to see Frank. Shelby puts on her mask and steps out as I park. I get out also wanting to be polite but really to see what she sees in him. "Hi Frank," she says with much enthusiasm.

"Hello Dear. You look much better," he says complementing her. I walk up next to her and my eyes move up his torso. He is dressed in jeans and a pull over shirt. I do not know why but I thought he would be in military attire. His waist is not thin but solid and his muscles in his arms fill the sleeves. He has dark messy hair that has gray flowing through it. It looks dry and I think he does not seem the type to use products on his hair. His mask is on but I can see that his face is covered with a full beard as it peaks through the sides of the mask.

"Hello." I finally say. I would shake his hand but since the pandemic that has been discouraged. We both seem to twitch our hand used to the normal formalities and he says hello back.

"We got you a coffee and a breakfast sandwich," she says handing him the items.

"Thank you," he says and nothing else. I think to myself. He does not talk much. The three of us just stand there.

"We'll I guess we should get going," Shelby finally says breaking the silence. I start to walk towards the car until I hear Frank say something.

"Yes, we will be stopping once at 11:00am for 15 minutes only and then we will be stopping at the hospital where the clinic will be held to prep the site." He finishes and starts to walk to his car not waiting for a response. I think to myself, I guess we do not have a choice. Once in the car and both Shelby and I settled and seatbelts on, Frank waves his arm out the window in a quick circle which means we are leaving. I follow him in the SUV as we make our way to the highway. Still processing about Frank, the one thing I realize is that there is nothing going on between Frank and Shelby. He really is more like a father figure to her. I look over at Shelby and she is going through work emails and she periodically glances up seeing the road and Frank's SUV in front of us.

We continue to drive and now on the highway, I start to think about Frank's comment about prep. I could see that we should drop the supplies off, but what type of preparation would he need to do. Shelby and I have been in our little bubble and in traveling I have not kept myself aware of the political issues going on. I look over at Shelby who happens to look at me at the same time.

"What?" she asks. Not sure I should go into it but my curiosity takes over.

"What kind of preparation does he have to do? What is with only getting to stop once for fifteen minutes. What will happen if it is sixteen minutes?" I say with all seriousness. Shelby laughs slightly

"I think he will give you sixteen minutes if you need it. Frank just comes off grumpy, but he really never is," she says again as if she knows him so well. Not wanting to go down that rabbit hole, I keep my questions about the preparation.

"What does he have to prep for at the hospital?"

"I am not sure. We can ask him when we stop or get there? Not that he would tell us."

"Do you not think we should know?" I ask again. She stops moving her fingers over her phone for a second before answering me.

"I guess part of me does. I was so busy with making sure the clinic ran smoothly and also the hospital census as we always do. I trust Frank with the security part and he will let me know if anything needs to be done," she says not showing any concern.

"What is he worried about?" pushing the conversation. She pauses for a minute and then looks over.

"I am surprised usually you know the updated news," she says and I glance over. "The rally." she says as I shake my head not having one clue what she is talking about. "There is a rally tomorrow for the government transfer. They are worried that there may be some violence as the two parties are not agreeing on the change."

"That has never happened before," I say thinking back and realize some of the news that I did see. Most of it I was concentrating more on the pandemic as that should be our main focus. Without people there is no economy. Science and politics as Shelby once said do not always mix. "Now I remember seeing something about it. Does he really think we will have an issue?"

"Well, the only site we could get and that could meet the capacity, is a hospital across from where the rally will take place," she finishes and does not go back on her phone but leans toward me and yawns. I stop the interrogation as she is getting tired and I think I have enough information for now.

"Did I tire you out?" I tease my girl and move my arm over her to slide her down so she can nap. She lays her head on my lap and the most evil smile comes over her face as I glance down. "Do not even think about it. I am on the highway," I say smiling at her. As soon as her head hit my lap the image of before comes into my head. Not that I would not want a repeat but I also do not want to endanger either of us. I move my hand to her arm and squeeze gently as her eyes close. Another moment made into a memory.

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