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"Miss- oh," Sierra cleared her throat as she entered and saw you getting ready and Yeosang still recovering from his sleep, his shirt unbuttoned and chest exposed, "Well, well."

"Sierra," you smiled at her as if Yeosang waking up in your room wasn't an odd sight, "Good morning to you too."

"Can I just say, about fucking time-"

"Sierra," you glared at her but laughed at how she cursed- it was the first time you heard profanity from her mouth, "What brings you here in a rush?"

"I have your brother on hold- why don't you have each other's number?"

"Because he's an asshole," you said, frowning as you took the phone from him, "I hope you heard that."

"Good morning to you too, sis," Dohyun said, "Just wanted to let you know that you might wanna look into your driver."

"My driver- what? Mr. Lee? Why?"

"Just... meet me in the office. I have something to tell you."

You frowned as he ended the call, waiting for Sierra to go before looking at Yeosang and telling him what just happened."

"Should I... feel him out?"

"No... Mr. Lee is... normal? He's been my driver and bodyguard of sorts ever since-"

Yeosang raised a brow as you paused, "Ever since...?"

"After Dajeong's death," you looked at him, "Are you sure Dohyun's the one behind Dajeong's death? What's a possible loophole in your whole compelling thing?"

"Well, he believes so," Yeosang said, "And that is the loophole. Anything he believes as the truth. He feels guilty too."

"We need to get to the office."

The whole ride to the office was rather quite, which was unusual because you and Yeosang were always nonsensical bickering during the morning. You only stared at Mr. Lee- the middle-aged driver who apparently worked for your dad before working for you.

It was half an hour later that Dohyun entered your office, looking at Yeosang as if to send him out, and Yeosang pretended to go but returned with glamour, invisible to all but you, giving you the thumbs up. Dohyun cleared his throat, sitting down.

"I'm only going to say this once, so you better hear me good," he said.

"Depends on what you tell me."

"Look, I was... involved in the accident 5 years ago. I had some part of it, but it wasn't supposed to happen," he looked at you and you could tell it was taking him a lot to actually say it, which meant there had to be something bigger than this, "I only meant to scare you. You were always riding those bikes and I just intended to scare you a little- no accident. But then everything happened, and I couldn't believe it, I thought I killed the poor girl. It took me months to finally accept my mistake, especially because I couldn't find the driver. You know how he went missing. But... the man I had actually put up with the job of only scaring you... he called me after a few months. He told me he had been on the run, that there was someone else that day who had stolen his car and caused that accident, and then he's been hell bent on getting rid of him."

"Okay, wait..." you processed everything as you stared at the blank page in front of you, "You thought it was you? You sounded like you were guilty a few days ago too."

"That's because of the phone call," Dohyun was fidgeting with his fingers, "It was vague. The man told me he wasn't behind this, that someone was after him. I thought this was his way of dealing or coping with the accident that he caused, that it was his guilt speaking, until..."

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