CHAPTER FOUR: The Blackout

Start from the beginning

 I look at Kris who was putting up his hood far over his head, the tips of his bangs dripping with water. “Drive us home now!” I yell over the pounding of the rain.

Kris nods and starts running out of the park; I follow pulling Skeigh along with me. Time we get out of the park Kris is already unlocking the doors of a 2010 Acura RDX down the street. I hurriedly drag Skeigh along, her understanding my rush as she tries to keep up with me. I run to the passenger’s side and yank the door open, jumping into the front seat as Skeigh gets in behind me. I shiver and turn on the heat; hugging my wet knees to my chest I let my wet hair fall limp in my face.

The inside of Kris’ car was nice, the seats leather and light gray which reminded me of its owners eye. I feel a hand rest on my back and I look up to see Kris looking down at me worried. Looking out the window I see another flash followed by another thunder clap which causes me to tuck my head in between my knees. “Take us home please,” I mumble.

“What’s wrong?” Kris asks softly.

“She doesn’t like thunder storms,” Skeigh says from the back seat.

“You’re scared?”

“I’m not scared” I growl, scowling at him, “I just don’t like them okay.”

Kris doesn’t say anything else as he starts the car and pulls out of the parking spot. Skeigh gives him directions to our block from the back as I shiver silently trying to block out the sound of the inclement weather outside. My mind wanders to the thoughts of my friends, each expressing some form of worry for me while thinking of other things. As usual most of Kris’ thoughts were in Greek while Skeigh was ogling over how attractive she thinks Kris is.

“Sing something.” I murmur as more thunder claps.

“What?” Kris and Skeigh ask in unison.

“Sing something,” I repeat louder, squeezing my eyes shut. “Please.”

There was silence as they both thought of something. Quietly Kris starts to mumbles, “It’s cold, so why aren’t the ember falling from the stars? I can see your face, so why aren’t you with me in my arms?”

I smile, “The Blackout” by Get Scared, I like this song. I relax a bit and focus on Kris singing, tuning out the thunder, paying attention to only him. “And you’ll scream my name up to the sky, as you watch the tide come away wash the night. And you’ll scream my up to the sky, as you watch the tide come wash away the night, and we’ll make our way out of this mess.”

Time Kris was done singing we had stopped the car. I look up and see that we were parked in my driveway behind my dad’s car, the rain pounding down hard on the windshield. I look at both of my friends who were still looking at me worriedly wearing small smiles to ease my nerves. I return their small smiles with one of my own, turning to Kris I add, “Wanna come in?”

He smiles back, “Sure.”

The three of us quickly jump out of the car and run onto my porch, the two of them shaking off as I unlock the front door. I open the door and run to the thermostat to turn the heat up.

“Ginger?” I hear my dad call from the study. “Is that you?”

“Yeah!” I call back, dropping my book bag, peeling out of my soaking sneakers and hoodie.

“Hey Q!” Skeigh calls.

“Hi Skype,” my dad says as he walks out of his study, walking towards us. He smiles at us, stopping when he notices the third drenched body in the foyer. “And who are you Testosterone?”

Kris blushes, “I’m Kristofer, sir.”

Skeigh giggles at the ‘sir’ while my dad smiles. “No need to be so formal Kris,” he grins. “I’m Q and no offence but you look like a drowned rat, you all do.”

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