Hello Trouble pt 7

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Later that night.

The gig went very well... the crowd loved our original tracks as well as our covers... we closed with bon jovis Bad Medicine.
We took our bows for a final time as being amateurs. Both Joe and Jamie had watched us from the side of the stage and we left the stage to their open arms.
"That was amazing guys... i think we've got this." Jamie says smiling.
"Now lets get home yeah? Joes got to be up early... jamie you staying at mine?" I say.
"If you don't mind. I need to be there to look after you while Joes away anyway he's enlisted me as your bodyguard alongside Zak."
I laugh as we load up Zaks van.
Zak drops off Tony first then we all pile back to my place.
We all have a night cap before bed. Joe puts his hand over my glass as im about to take a sip.
"Take your time." He whispers with a wink.
"I want us to be the last to bed." His look tells me all i needed to know.
Well played Joe he's got a point upstairs is a little to busy tonight.
I switch the fire on low.
"So the plan for tomorrow is recording your first single... we need to get it out there. Once its done i'll get it distributed across the major radio stations." Wow Jamie is good if he's already pulled strings like this.
"Then once we are back from the lakes you can start compiling a short list for an album." Joe said.
Butterflies hit my stomach.
"Slow down Joe... first track's got to be good first."
Jamie just laughed.
"You need to stop being so blind to your tallent." Joe said as he kisses me softly.

The other three slowly made their way to bed.
I get up to close the door behind them.
I turn and Joe is there already in front of me.
His lips close over mine... its gentle... slow. Painfully good.
He lifts me up and carries me to the sofa and lays me down. Standing above me he takes his shirt off whilst im wriggling out of my jeans. I sit up briefly to take my top and bra off...
I lay back and go to take off my panties...
"Leave them..." he whispers
Joes lays his body down on top of me and starts kissing me again slow... deliberate.. his tongue takes a slow stroke across my lips.
Then he slowly kisses me all the way down my body until he takes my panties off with his teeth...
Something that should of been sexy but i couldnt help but giggle.
"You won't be giggling in a minute... remember keep those pretty little lips shut... if jamie hears he'll want to join in..."
I couldn't help it... call it reflex but i bit my lip.
"Oh really?" Joe responded by thowing my legs over his shoulders and went down on me like a man possessed.
I gasped as his tongue swirled against my clit.
I moaned a little. Joes eyes met mine the look alone was warning enough.
Biting my lip was my only other option as well as pulling on Joe's curls as he expertly made sure he pleasured every inch of me
It wasnt long before i was heavy breathing i needed to cum but i was scared im not quiet in the bedroom not by a long shot.
"Oh my god... Joe! I need to cum... fuck! I whisper.
"Its ok... cum for me baby." Joe whispered before lapping at my clit in just the right way for me to see stars.
After a few heavy breathes i couldn't hold it any more i went to scream but just as i did Joes hand reached up and closed around my mouth just in time.
Now that turned me on and i wanted more.
Joe got up slipped on a condom and pulled me onto the floor he entered me gently... slowly... fucking... no wait this was too gentle to be a fuck but he was hard enough for it to still feel amazing.
We were both just locked into each others gaze the heat from the fire making us sweat both of us working in time with each other.
Joe stopped and flipped me over and entered me again pushing me into the carpet my knees will tell this story again in the morning i can tell.
Joe leaned in and whispered down my ear..
"I love You so much Mandy.... tell me you're mine."
"Im yours Joe... please joe go a little harder i need to cum.. please. Im begging him.
"Remember... quiet!" Joe grabbed my hair and pulled my neck back as far as he knew i could take it. And he began to fuck me hard just like i'd asked.
Deeper, faster both of us trying not to scream our muted moans and frantic breathing our only give away that we were both close dangerously close...
"Mandy..  look at me!" I obeyed the almost silent command i turned my head back as he lent forward to see my eyes as we both expolded around each other giving each other one last desperate kiss to silance our lovers cries.

*Two days Later.*
So Joe left early the next morning carrying me to bed before he left as we had both fallen asleep under a blanket in the front room. I awoke yesterday morning to find one of his shirts, one of his chains and a note... simply saying "just in case you miss me too much... love Joe X"
He knows me too well im wearing his chain now.
The recording session yesterday was amazing the song we all picked to be our dabut is called "something old something new" a duet myself and Zak wrote in the bands baby year's.

I can't wait to get out of here Myself and kirsty are in the wearhouse of our work place finishing the stocktake... its almost 9pm.
Joseph is filming Jimmy Fallon tonight Jamie has a link so we can watch it live. It means staying up till 4am but it'll be worth it im so proud of Joe... proud to be his girlfriend can life get anymore perfect right now?

"And thats it... we are done Kirsty! " "Wahoo!" She shouted from down below my scissor lift i was high up in the racking.
"Zak's on his way to get us... Jamie and Tony are meeting us back at home." Kirsty says as she puts her phone away.
All of a sudden we hear the fire shutters start to close.
"Thats not supposed to happen unless theres fire right?" Kirsty says suspicious.
I press the button for my lift to lower but its stuck the battery is dead.
"What... the... Kirsty i can't get down!"
Then we hear a smash and fire quickly engulfs the wearhouse.
Somebody had thrown a Molotov through a high up window.
"Shit... mandy what do we do? we're trapped!"
"Get low the clean air stays low..." i never thought my crush on Taylor Kinney would come in helpful.
"But you're up there!" Kirsty said croutching behind a table.
"I know." I say as i come to terms with the fact that i have to jump.
I climb over the side of the lift and let go. I try to control my jump but fail... i land badly my knee giving way... and the smoke slowly takes over me until i see nothing but black.

*clifhanger.... i'll try and get another part done tomorrow if not itll be next week * 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Joseph/Eddie one shots and imaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang