Pipp begins to descend as she starts her song. "We've got the light. We're coming in stronger, we're in it together, if you want it it's all inside your mind." She flies above the crowd as they look in awe. "We got the light, we won't wait any longer." The queen is looking at her with a smile. "Well get it together."

"If you want it then you can paint the sky." Sunny rises above the throne, looking down at the crown but light passes over her and she quickly ducks, standing on Athena as Izzy supports them.

"Used to care what they'd say, let 'em into my brain," once the light has passed, Sunny rises again and quickly swaps them. She nods to Zipp as she returns it, facing her sister again. "But I found a new way. Oh-oh-oh," the three begin to sneak away as the dog glances in their direction.

They get to the door and Athena opens it. On the other side is a guard on the phone. "No, you hang up. No-" the three gasp and quickly close the door.

A whimper is heard making them glance behind them. The dog is there staring, then growling. They all scream and run away as the dog chases them.

"We don't fly like we used to, we take what we've been through," Pipp continues to sing, flying above the crowd doing tricks and stuff.

The three are running from the dog as it continues to chase them. "And we can feel brand-new." Athena opens the door looking surprised. "Sunny Starscout, you are-not Sunny." Hitch, wearing fake wings and a ridiculous mustache interrupts himself seeing Athena. "And you're not an exit." She replies before slamming the door, pushing the other two in the opposite direction.

The dog is right after them, barking away. It quickly jumps on Sunny, grabs the crown, and heads away. They look confused before they realize and go after it. "I'm shining brighter, ooh-ooh."

Hitch slams open another pair of doors as he looks around. He looks up as he hears Pipp singing. "Glowing up, kind of love, dip and slide, through the cut. Glowing up, kind of love," he vibes with the music for a second before he continues his search, "dip and slide, through the cut."

The dog passes by Thunder and the other guard, making the three quickly hide behind a wall. "Glowing up, kind of love, we say high, you say what?" Sunny glances around the corner watching the dog head up to the thrones.

"Everywhere that I've been. Yeah, they say I'm different." He sits in front of the queen, who is still distracted. Zipp looks down and gasps. "But I'm good in my skin, ooh-ooh." She glances at her mom, before heading down to grab the crown. She grunts as she wrestles with the dog for it, being successful. Well, half way.

"If it doesn't feel right, break it in with tie-dye." Zipp is holding the crown while the dog has the gem, and it races away as Zipp follows it. "And you don't stop till sunrise."

The three are looking around, before they spot Hitch. "We don't fly like we used to," he advances to them, "we take what we've been through, and we can feel brand-new, ooh-ooh."

Athena quickly shoves the two behind some curtains and then goes right after. They all sigh in relief before they look behind them. It's the pegasus behind the wiring and stuff. "Ah! It's the prisoners!" He wails as he uselessly runs around the room. The two chase him, trying to quiet him down as Athena stands her ground.

"I'm shining brighter, ooh-ooh-ooh." The dog is still being chased by an aggravated Zipp, who is stopped by other pegasi in front of her. The dog drops the gem as he bumps into Hitch. "We got the light, we're coming in stronger, we're in it together-" he looks up at Hitch in awe.

The three corner him at the computer. "We're not gonna hurt you, hush it!" "It's ok-don't be scared." Sunny does a gentler approach compared to Athena. "Me and her aren't going to fry your brain, ok?" Izzy says, making Athena look at her appalled. "Izzy!" He shrieks as he accidentally hits a button.

The lights turn off Pipp, making her confused. "What the-?" The light appears on a very confused Hitch. Everyone looks at him confused as well, the music still going. He panics and does a few moves as he awkwardly sings the wrong lyrics. "Uh, Throwing up, find a glove, fly around, bup-bup-bup." Good try honey.

Izzy, the pegasus, and Sunny look at the screen confused, while Athena is confused then highly amused. "Doing stuff, that I love. You're like, why? I'm like what?" She lets out a somewhat mocking chuckle as she mutters not so quietly to herself, "Not bad Sheriff." The three look at her even more confused.

Back above Pipp is looking very confused. "What is happening?" "Crisp and dry, eat some mud." The dog begins to bark and whimper as he keeps going, "Glowing up, lovey dove-" Zipp approaches and sees the gem.

The pegasus panics and jumps into the computer, accidentally pulling the lever up.

Pipp screams as she is flung up, making everypony and Hitch gasp. Zipp quickly takes the crystal with a twinge in her face.

The pegasus with the trio runs out screaming as Zipp approaches. The three exit as Zipp hands the gem to Sunny. "I got it!" "Yes!" "Let's go!"

Hitch sees them and calls out, "Freeze." 

The crowd looks over and gasps as one says, "It's the prisoners!" Pipp flies down knocking off Hitch's fake wings. One says, "Another earth pony!" He pauses before running towards them. The dog sadly watches him go, lifting a pathetic paw trying to stop him.

Pipp keeps zooming around before finally stopping, the wires holding her up very visible as she dangles helplessly upside down. The crowd gasps again.

"She's a fake!" "Fake!" A camera takes a picture as more pegasi begin to uproar. "The royals can't fly either?!" Pipp looks horrified.

Zipp glances back and quietly gasps, seeing her sister. "Fake!" "Zipp?" She tries to call out to her. The other 4 pass by as Sunny knocks into Zipp. "Zipp! Hurry!" She pauses before she follows.

"They can't fly?!" "She's faking it!" The gem was left on the ground. "She's a fake!" Everypony begins to take pictures, as Pipp helplessly dangles.

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