Being Distracted

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It's the next morning and all night you've been thinking about Gargan.

Gwen: Hey, Y/N? I gotta get ready for school. I'll tell the principal that you're not gonna be there.

Y/N: No, I coming.

Gwen: Are you sure?

Y/N: Yeah. I can't be giving Aunt May, any more stress.

Gwen: Ok.

Y/N: Besides I need a distraction.

At school

You're walking to Dr. Connors's science lab.

The windows for the lab are all covered up.

You knock on the door and enter.

Y/N: Dr. Connors.

Dr. Connors looks up and covers what he's working on.

Dr. Connors: Oh, Parker. Didn't see you there. Come in.

Y/N: What are you working on?

Dr. Connors: Nothing. I'm just researching reptiles.

Y/N: Interesting. Can I talk to you?

Dr. Connors: Of course.

Y/N: Did you hear about the prison riot?

Dr. Connors: No, I've been in this lab for days.

Y/N: That doesn't seem healthy. Anyways, a few prisoners escaped, one of them being the guy who killed my Uncle.

Dr. Connors: I am so sorry to hear that, Parker. In my opinion, tell all your teachers, and keep yourself calm.

Y/N: Thank you, sir.

You leave Dr. Connors' office and head to your locker. You gather all of your supplies for the first period.

Flash: What's up, Parker?

Flash comes up behind you and hugs you.

Y/N: What's up? Hey. How's it going?

Flash: Good.

Flash walks towards the first period.

Flash: You coming along, man?

Y/N: Yeah. I'll be there.

You notice his Spider-Man shirt.

Y/N: Cool shirt.

Flash: Yeah. The dude's crazy. But chicks dig him.

After School

At the Daily Bugle

Betty: Y/N! About time you're here.

Betty takes your arm and leads you to Jonah's office.

Betty: Chief, I found Parker.

Jonah: Where have you been? It's been a week since we've seen anything from you. Why don't you pay your phone bill? Huge prison riot, we don't have pictures! Or any Spider-Man pictures! Where were you? Photographing squirrels? You're fired.

You start to walk out.

Betty: Chief, don't we need him for pictures of Spider-Man?

Jonah: Oh, uh. You're un-fired.

You stop and turn around.

Jonah: I need you, come here. My extra Spider-Man photographer got hit in the head by a polo ball.

Y/N: Well that's unfortunate.

Jonah: Indeed. You're all I got. 

Y/N: Well I did get some photos on the way here.

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