... Comes Great Responsibility

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The next day

You had dreams all night of Uncle Ben dying over and over again. Wondering what would have happened if you stopped the guy.

A knocks at the door

May: Y/N, you gotta go to school.

Y/N: Okay, let me get dressed.

At school

You run into Harry.

Harry: Y/N are you doing okay? I heard Uncle Ben died.

Y/N: I'm...

You arrive at your locker before and get your things.

Flash: Parker.

Harry: Not today Flash.

Flash: I'm not gonna mess with him, I just want to talk.

Harry: Fine, but if you do anything I'll kick your ass.

Flash comes up to you.

Y/N: Not today.

Flash: Come on, I just want to talk.

Flash gets right next to you but you turn around, grab him by the collar of his jacket, and hold him against the locker.

Flash: It feels better, right? Look, your uncle died. I'm sorry. I get it. I'm sorry.

You let Flash down and walk away and walk into Gwen, looking at you worried for you.

Gwen: Y/N...

She hugs you.

At night

Your walk around getting away from everything.

???: Ahh help!

You turn your head to see someone hurting a woman.

You weren't going to do anything until you remembered what Uncle Ben told you, 'Remember, if you have great power, then it comes with the greatest of responsibility.'

You run over and tackle the person who was attacking the woman.

Y/N: Get out of here!

The woman runs away.

The attacker kicked you off of him and charged at you. You tripped him with your leg and shinned his face into the light to see if his face matched the man who killed Uncle Ben.

You've engraved MacDonald Gargan's face in your mind and he didn't look like him.

You lightly smashed his face against the ground and run away climbing up the wall.

Attacker: I saw your face! I know who you are!

The next day

Since Uncle Ben said what he said you know you have to do something with your powers. Before you do something you'll have to figure out what you can do.

At an abandoned warehouse

You walk in and see a bunch of chains dangling from the ceiling.

You get on a high level and grab a hold of one of the chains and jump.

Y/N: Oh shit!

You swing all around and smash into a box.

Y/N: Ugh.

You try again and again for hours and hours mastering how to swing.

At home

You walk inside and see Aunt May sleeping on the couch, she hasn't been able to sleep in her bed ever since Uncle Ben died.

You put a blanket on her and go to your room. You close your door and lock it.

You find some of your old comic books and see a bunch of superheroes. You get inspiration and get a sewing machine.

You make a dark mask, and put a label on a maroon hoodie. You put on the mask, hoodie, black gloves, black cargo pants, and black shoes.

Y/N: Something feels off.

You put your hood up.

Y/N: Now that's better

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Y/N: Now that's better.

You need to make something so you can swing around.

You grab a notebook and started doodling and writing formulas for a new idea, for something that you can swing on. It needed to oxidize and harden completely when it came in contact with the air. Using a pressure mixer, you began blending the chemicals altogether. 

After it was completed, you poured the formula into an empty skinny spray can and it shot out, flying across the room and attaching to the wall. 

You noticed how sticky it was when you touched it, and the lipid bundles tied together the different strands into one thread which made it look like a spider's silk.

You put the formula into another skinny spray can and attach it to your newly made suit.

You jump out of your window and swing around.

Y/N: Wooo! It's working, it's working!

As you say that you almost run into a wall but you zip to another wall causing you to move away.

After a few minutes of swinging around, you hear a disturbance.

You swing to the sound and see a person stealing a car. Before they can get in you shoot a web and pull them up, and shoot another web to stick them to a light pull.

You get a closer look at them and don't recognize him from the sketch, and leave them for the police.

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