1.6 'Lifetime'

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The picture of 'Yongliang' assaulting a girl went viral and spread across all platforms. Meanwhile, Yongliang was just leisurely running in his home gym. He began running every day to marinate the scandal for a bit longer. He wanted to see the female lead's stupidity when there was inaction from the parties involved.

Due to Ren Entertainment and the person of rumor's silence, the public went into a frenzy because this accusation was heavy and inexcusable if it was true.

[Please be an idol lord Ren: How can this person be worthy of lord Ren?! He needs to stay away from him as far as possible!!]

[Passerby 3: I heard something like this happened before and that was why he went abroad last time.]

[Chrysanthemum flower: WICKED!! SO HE HAD A HISTORY OF HARASSMENT!!]

[Passerby 5: Calm down guys, he is filthy rich like lord Ren too. If he wanted to, he didn't have to use lord Ren's influence at all. And think about it, this blurry photo could not prove anything. You should not persecute someone without evidence or you will face-slap yourself.]

[Fairy Beauty: I agree with upstairs. We should not jump to conclusions to accuse someone just yet.]

"Ho, there are people with brains here." Yongliang was wiping his face after finishing his routine.

[Zhou Qian my love: Are you trying to defend the perpetrator? What about the victims? Because he was powerful so no one wanted to come out and press charges.]

[Passerby 9:+1]

[Passerby 802: +1]


"Such fierce arguments. I guess having money is a crime too. But who dares to press charges if it's not true?"



[Passerby 92: My uncle is professional in assessing the authenticity of photos. He said that this picture is 100% not fabricated.]

[Please be an idol lord Ren: I knew it!! Whoever said that we would face-slap ourselves, come out now! I want to see how red your cheeks are!!]

The internet went into a frenzy again when a clear picture of Yongliang holding a girl in his arms was released on the Internet. The girl in the picture was blurred to protect her identity but it was rumored to be a small actress from Ren Entertainment.

Yongliang just hummed while looking at the picture. Just the other day he dropped by Ren Entertainment to retrieve his N*ntend* that he left there 2 weeks ago. When he walked past the hall, suddenly a girl tripped and fell into his arms. He could hear the silent shutter sound when that happened. He only gave a slight smirk.

"Maybe this female lead has never been a good person... How can she be so petty and determined to get rid of me?"

The more Yongliang thought about it, the more possible it became. She was obviously talented in acting with a decent look, she could have gotten some small roles here and there. However, she never got in until she started associating herself with powerful people. It seemed like she had attitude problems. Yongliang even started to doubt her ranting when she met Ren Jian.

Yongliang was just lying on the bed with his laptop on his stomach for the Lai parents to suddenly stormed in.

"What's wrong? Did something happen to grandma?"

Yongliang jumped up and anxiously asked. He really grew attached to this family.

"Y-You... How could they slander you like this? All these proofs are fake, fake!!" Father Lai was fuming as he showed the smart tablet displaying the scandal.

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