Chapter 27: End of the Rouges!

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Jaune, Sun, and Arslan rushed out of Alnwick on some spare motorbikes that the town had and made their way to Merlot's base, meanwhile, CFVY and BRN would be protecting Alnwick from any more MutaGrimm that might attack the town.

"So what's the plan?" Sun asked as they raced down the road.

"The other two that were with Treygen, you two fought them?" Jaune asked

"Yeah, and both of them are pretty strong," Arslan answered "Why?"

"Can you still take them on?" Jaune asked

"Yeah," Sun replied

"Of course," Arslan replied

"Then I'll find the townsfolk and set them free, you two take care of the Rouges if they show up," Jaune told them.

"And what about Merlot?" Sun asked

Jaune stayed silent for a bit but answered. "We'll deal with him when the time comes," Jaune said "For now, our main concern is the hostages,"

"Right," Arslan and Sun said

With a plan set, the three continued to ride down the road and toward Merlot's base. After riding for a while, the three eventually arrived at the old Merlot Industries base and when they saw it, it indeed looked old and untouched for many years, but they knew better. The three hopped off their bikes and looked at the entrance of the base, which was a large metal door that almost looked a little cartoonish like it was something out of an old cartoon about a boy with a secret lab or something.

Sun walked over to Jaune and stood next to him and looked at the large entrance door of the base. "Soooo, any idea how we get in there?" Sun asked.

Jaune rubbed his chin, "Well, I could-"


Jaune turned around to Arslan. "What was that Arsl- OHCRAP!"

Coming toward the two boys was a giant ball of fire and Jaune quickly grabbed sun by the collar and jumped out of the way, as the fireball blazed past them and hit the base's entrance, exploding and creating them a way inside.

Arslan smiled, "Easy," she said as she saw her work, she then turned to the two boys who were lying on the ground in shock, "Come on, let's get moving,"

Jaune and Sun got up and dusted themselves off as they watched Arslan run into the base.

"How come all the women I know are insanely powerful and scary," Jaune asked

Sun just shrugged, "Who knows dude," Sun said

The two followed after her and caught up with her, and ran down the large hallway, all of them felt unease because they haven't run into any MutaGrimm or any of the Rouges just yet, but they had a feeling that they were being watched. Eventually, the three came to a part of the hallway which led to three different paths. The path ahead led to the main lab, the path on the right led to the storage facility, and the path to the left led to the containment chambers.

Arslan glared, "One of these paths has to lead to the hostages," Arslan said

"But which one do we take?" Sun asked

Seeing that the plan was now slightly derailed, Jaune thought about it, they good go down each Hallway, but if they took the wrong path, they could be too late, so seeing no other option, Jaune knew what needed to be done. "We're gonna have to split up, cover more ground, and hopefully one of us find the hostages while the other two are gonna have to face the Rouges," Jaune said

"I'll go straight!" Sun said

Arslan nodded, "I'll take the path to the right,"

"Alright, then I'll head left," Jaune said

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