Chapter 15: A Vytal Dance!

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Today was the day! Tonight, the Vytal Ball would commence! And each student from all four academies would be able to have fun and party for the night. But for now, our Heroes were doing what most Huntsmen in training did at 12:00 in the afternoon. Eat lunch and talk about how their classes went.

"I'm telling you... I have no idea where it all goes," Neptune said

Currently, Team CFVY, Jaune, and Neptune were in awe as they were watching Sun eat three whole plates of Mistralian meat meals.

"Maybe there's like a black hole in his stomach?" Velvet suggested

"It's amazing how much he can eat while always staying so fit," Fox said

Jaune nodded in agreement, "Tell me about it," Jaune said

"Seriously, Sun, What's your secret?" Coco asked

Sun shrugged as he swallowed a bite of his food.

Coco smirked and looked over at Jaune and Neptune, "Oh, by the way, what are you two going to wear to the dance tonight?"

"Me and Jaune will be wearing some tuxes we got a week before," Neptune said "And I think the ladies are gonna love it!" Neptune finished with a smirk

Jaune rolled his eyes, "Speak for yourself," Jaune said "What chick is gonna be interested in me?"

'You'd be surprised,' Coco and Velvet thought at the same time

"Hey, Guys!"

Everyone turned around to see Arslan and Reese with a very familiar person following behind them.

"Friend Jaune!", Penny Polendina raced over to the table Jaune was sitting at and brought him into a tight hug.

"It's so good to see you again friend Jaune!" Penny said as she wrapped her hands around Jaune.

It's good to see you too Penny," Jaune said, though, his face was slowly starting to become purple, "C-Could you let me go now... I-I can't breathe!"

"Oh, sorry!" Penny said with a bashful smile.

Penny let Jaune go and Jaune took in a deep breath of air and then let it out, Jaune then looked at Penny with a smile. Meanwhile, Velvet looked at Arslan and Reese with a confused look.

"You guys know Penny?" Velvet asked

Reese nodded, "She's always in the maintenance room working on her weapons, she looked a little shy around people so I thought it would be nice to talk to her and have her know someone here," Reese said with a proud smile

"Really?" Velvet said, "How come you never mentioned this before?"

"I didn't know you guys knew her or she knew you, until a few minutes ago," Reese said, "Pen told me she was looking for someone and when I asked who, she said Jaune, and I told her I know Jaune and she asked me if I can help her look for him and I agreed," Reese said

"Pen?" Velvet asked,

Reese nodded, "It's my nickname for her like "Ars" is for Arslan,"

"Makes sense," Coco chimed in, "But why was she looking for Jaune?"

Reese shrugged, "Don't know," Reese replied

"It's good to see you again Penny, it's been a while!" Jaune said

"It has!" Penny replied, "Friend Jaune, I have a question to ask you?"

"Uh, sure, what's up?" Jaune asked

"Would you like to accompany me to the Vytal ball?" Penny asked

hearing this, the four girls froze in shock, not believing what they just heard. As for Neptune, the too was in shock, but that quickly turned to him being proud of his blonde friend. Meanwhile, Fox and Yatsuhashi began to sweat, afraid of what the girls might do. Sun just kept eating.

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