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'you love me?!'

'uh.. uhm.. yeah of course! as in a best friend way, you know?' vance replied nervously. 'i wish i could tell you the truth..' vance whispered under his breath. bruce didn't catch the part he whispered.
'oh uhm.. right! sorry about freaking out,' bruce said, trying to hide his disappointment. 'oh uh, about the ball game. you'll be there, for sure, right?' bruce asked once again just to be certain and to change the subject.
'of course, i wouldn't miss it for the world,' vance replied. except this time he didn't sound like he was joking around, he sounded serious. almost as if he actually cared — which he did.

bruce couldn't get over what was written on the notebook. he decided he'd mention it again once they got back from walmart — a new store that was just built in their town.
'you ready vance?' bruce questioned.
'yeah, let's go,' he said back to bruce.
they left the room and took their bikes lying on the side of the house, onto the road, which they peddled until they reached walmart.

'i think this t-shirt looks nice!' bruce said pointing to a basic black shirt with one thick strip going down on each sleeve.
'yeah, if you're basic,' vance murmured.
'what, sorry?' bruce asked.
'nothing,' vance said carelessly. he looked at a t-shirt that had an ac dc album cover printed on it. 'now this, this is cool,' vance side grinned.
'and expensive,' bruce looked at the the price tag that said 19.99 on it — which was expensive at the time. '20 bucks for a t-shirt?'
'come on brucey please,' vance jokingly pleaded. 'i'll buy that stupid black tee if you let me buy this one,' vance continued to beg.
'well, i guess it's your money,' bruce said disapprovingly, but he was glad to see a smile on vance's face.
'yes, brucey you're the best,' vance started fooling around again. he hugged bruce which made bruce blush a little. 'shit, don't mention that happened dipshit.'
'nope, same old vance.' bruce thought. except he didn't mind, he loved vance either way, although he tried to convince himself otherwise.

bruce and vance left the store with two pairs of black long shorts, 3 pairs of faded black ripped jeans, 4 t-shirts that bruce picked out, and his ac dc t-shirt.
'bro this shirt is so sick!' vance side grinned again.
'i know, you told me like 50 times before we left the store,' bruce complained.
vance just looked into his brown beady eyes, and smiled. which made bruce's face heat up.
'uhm, we should get going. it's almost past our curfew,' bruce said as he hopped on his bike and started peddling in the parking lot. vance hopped on his and caught up with him.

'you boy's are exactly 13 minutes and 56.72 seconds late!' mr. yamada started freaking out, and got his inhaler. 'i was so worried you two died!' he said as he tried calming himself down.
'george, honey, just let it slide this once!' mrs. yamada shouted from the living room. she was stuffing her face with sherbet. they were watching die heart to 'get in the holiday mood' even though winter was 1 week away.
'yes dear!' bruce's father said, making a hand gesture which meant he would 'keep an eye' on us.
they finally entered the estate and set foot into bruce's room.
'so vance, did you mean what you said?'
'said what?' vance asked another question instead of an answer.
'when you said you only loved me in a friend way? because if you didn't and are just hiding it from me— just tell me.' bruce looked right into vance's eyes and he looked right back into his.
vance clenched his teeth. he wanted to be honest but didn't know if he'd ruin their relationship — as friends.
'yes ok! i like you,' vance blurts out and instantly covers his mouth with his hand. bruce just looks at him and chuckles, which eventually turned into him dying from laughter. he wiped a tear from his eye. 'what's so funny?' vance asked.
'i like you too, you idiot,' bruce said finally recovering from all the laughing by sighing. he placed his hands on both of vance's rosy red cheeks and pecked his lips. they heard something crash behind them, and they quickly turned their heads. there was a steel bowl that once had popcorn in it, but now only had a few kernels in it. and one shocked girl standing by bruce's door frame.
'look, i can explain!'
word count; 764
who do you think is standing by bruce's door frame?

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