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TIP; if you see a sentence like this
__. (1)
      __. (3)
__. (2)
read the top line, bottom line and then the middle line.

'hello vance.'

'what the fuck do you want bitch?'
'not very welcoming, i see.'
'what do you want,' vance said sternly.
'i just wanted to check up on my little sweet pea!' the lady speaking to vance pulled out a pack of cigarettes. 'would you like one? i have many to share,' she placed her purple leather bag down.
'vance! who's at the door?' vance's mother shouted from her bedroom up the tiny flight of stairs, which was 5 steps high.
'it's aunt.. aunt victoria,' vance replied with a tint of annoyance.
'victoria!' vance's mom came down the stairs holding her arms out to give aunt victoria a hug.
'alright, that's enough now caroyln.'
'what is this bitch doing here?'
'vance! i will not tolerate any bad language while victoria is visiting!' caroyln said strictly.
'what if i don't want to be in this shit hole with her?'
'then find somewhere else to stay until she leaves,' vance's mother said loudly and clearly.
'fine then.'

at the yamada's estate, bruce was just about to go to sleep. but before he could he heard the doorbell ring. bruce ran down the flight of stairs, then turned the handle on the door.
'vance what are you doing here? it's raining.'
'yeah no shit,' vance insulted. 'i'm hear because i was kicked out, and i was wondering if i could stay here for like a week or two.'
'i see no problem with that, but i have to ask my parents first. come in,' bruce opened the door wider so vance could enter. 'just wait here,' bruce said as he entered the average sized living room. 'mom, dad.'
'yes dear?' mrs. yamada said.
'can my friend, vance, from school, stay over for a week or two? he got kicked out.'
'well, i don't see why—' bruces mother started but his father interrupted.
'no, we can't let a stranger here. especially if he got kicked out,' he whispered the last little bit.
'bruce, go with your friend to your room, me and your father need to discuss this.'

     'sorry 'bout that,' bruce told vance.
     'it's alright,' vance replied looking intro bruce's dark brown eyes. bruce's face expression made it feel like it was the opposite of alright. 'bruce, it's fine. i swear,' he reassured bruce.
'alright then,' bruce said right before the room became awkwardly silent. 'it's getting late we should go to bed,' he said quickly.
'i'll sleep on the floor,' vance told bruce.
'no, you're the guest and in the yamada household the guest always sleeps on the bed,' bruce said strictly.
'bruce take the god damn bed.'
the room became silent for a split second.
'why don't we both take it,'
they said at the same time.
'let's just both sleep on the bed,'
     'fine then,' vance said, relieved that they weren't fighting anymore.
the bed was luckily a queen sized so they wouldn't have to be squished together
'night vance,' bruce greeted.

bruce woke up by the sound of his 6:00 am alarm clock.
'oh shoot sorry about that, i forgot to turn it off last night,' bruce was reaching for the alarm clock but couldn't reach it. he looked at vance and realized his arm was on top of him. he slowly took it off. he sat up to look at his mirror which showed his face was burning in pink. he got himself to calm down just in time before vance woke up.
'oh uhm morning.'
vance's eyes are squinted and he puts his hand on his for head.
'i feel like i have a fever,' vance groans.
'luckily we don't have school today. yay!' bruce said unenthusiastically.
'you don't sound so excited,' vance replies.
'it's because school is like the only place i can escape to from this household," bruce tells vance.
'oh, sorry about that brucey,' vance jokes trying to cheer up the mood, since he didn't want bruce to be aware of the pain too.
bruce turns his head and glares at vance, and then he chuckles. they stare at eachother until.
'bruce there's a spider behind you,' vance warns him.
'huh, wait what?' bruce turns around to see the biggest spider he's ever seen. he quickly scoots back to the side of bruce. 'kill it dumbass!'
'so feisty jee,' vance states. bruce death stares at him. 'very well then your majesty,' vance grabs a book and lets the beady bug go on it.
'vance what are you doing? i said kill it!' bruce shouts, somehow quietly.
vance looks at the little bug and then at bruce and gives a side smile. 'you're scared of this little fellow?' vance says right before he rapidly throughs the book on bruce's lap.
bruce leapt up and started screaming like a girl.
'what's all the chaos going around here?' bruce's dad stomped in angrily.
'THERE'S A TARANTULA!' bruce shouted pointing to the spider on the ground.
'that's peter, i need to do test on him,' mr. yamada worked as a scientist. 'and he's a widow, not a tarantula, now you boys go and do something that won't disturb everyone in the house,' mr. yamada took the book with the spider on it and left.
vance couldn't help himself from laughing.
bruce glares at him once again. 'not funny.'
'sure it was, you started screaming like how your younger sister probably screams. then you looked like you were gonna start crying,' vance sighed as he wiped a tear of laughter from his eye.

'i'm going to take a shower,' bruce took a towel and a pair of black shorts and a white t-shirt that had the band named 'the smiths' written in bold typewriter letters. there was also a picture of some guys on it, which vance was guessing the smiths were.
'alright i'm going back to sleep,' vance said as he laid his head down on a pillow. he flipped it over to the cooler side before falling asleep.
'vance, wake up.'
word count; 1022
this chapter is trash :,)

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