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Finn started to notice things going on with his boyfriend. He would come to school definitely not himself. He seemed so sad. So lost. Finn wanted to know what was going on. He was getting worried.

When Noah came into school today he was wearing a hoodie and sweats. Finn of course took notice of this. It was like 90 degrees outside. It was so unlike Noah to do that.

He thought that it would best to ask him about it outside of school.

So that's what he's doing. He drove his car to Noah's house. He got out and knocked on the door. "Babe!" Finn yelled. Noah opened the door. It looked like he had been crying. He also had a black eye?

"What happened?" Finn asked. "Can we jot talk about this?" Noah asked. "No! We are talking about this." Finn demanded. Noah knows that he's not getting around this.

He grabbed Finns hand and took him to his room. He closed the door and locked it.

They sat on the bed in silence for a moment.

"I'm going to show you something. Please don't freak out." Noah begged. Finn nodded.

Noah took off his hoodie to reveal his scared chest and stomach. He also rolled up his pants. There were more scared and bruises.

"Who the hell did this to do?!" Finn screamed. "You said you wouldn't freak out." Noah said. "What happened Noah?" Finn asked as calmly as he can. "I'm being bullied. What does it look like?" He asked.

Finn looked at him with worry, anger, but mostly scared. Scared that something would be worse. "Oh Noah. Why didn't you tell me?" Finn asked. "I didn't want to worry you. I didn't want you to get dragged in." Noah said.

Finn reached over and hugged him. Noah sunk into the hug and his breathing calmed down.

Noah explained who did it and how long.

The next day Finn called the police. Noah begged him not to beat the shit out of the people who did.

Noah has been more open to his friends and family about his problems now. Noah felt a lot better. Now that he will always have Finn by his side.


I wrote this chapter to say that bullying is no joke. And if anyone is having problems with bullying just know that if you need someone to talk to I'm here.

Also if you haven't already check out my two new books. 'Long Distance' and 'College Life.'

What's you favorite show? Mines obviously Stranger Things.

What's your favorite book series? I just started Percy Jackson and I am loving it.

Does anyone like K-Pop? If you do do you like BLACKPINK? I just saw their new 'Shut Down' music video teaser and I am loving it. I also cannot stop doing the 'Pink Venom' chorus chorography. I love it!

Anyways that's all! Have a wonderful day or night!

Words: 490

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