I'm Gonna Kill You!

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This chapter contains the f-slur. Sorry...

Finn was taking a walk down to Noah's house. They lived in the same neighborhood. Lucky them. They grew up together. They have been friends for as long as they can remember. They are inseparable. Now they were a couple. It was friends, to best friends, to occasionally kissing, to boyfriends. He honestly couldn't be happier with Noah. He and him were practically made for each other.

He saw his boyfriends house come into view. But what he saw shocked him. It was Noah getting beat up. Holy shit. He looked bad.

Finns blood boiled. He could only see red. He ran up to the guy and pushed him. He stumbled back in surprise. "What the hell man!" He yelled. "What the fuck do you think your doing!" Finn yelled watching the man get back up. "What does it look like?" He asked.

He heard a groan from beside him. "F-Finn." Noah said before passing out. Finns eyes filled with rage. "He deserves it. Stupid faggot." The man said. That was Finns breaking point. "I'm gonna kill you." He muttered.

He punched the man in his jaw. "What the fuck!" He yelled. Finn punched him again but this time in his nose. The man took a swig at Finn. He punched him in the stomach.

Noah woke up in his bed. His eyes wondered around. Until he spotted a familiar face. "Finn?" He said.

Finn looked up eyes filled with worry, relief, love. "Hey babe." Finn said brushing his hair. "W-Where am I?" He stuttered. "In your room. You passed out." Finn said. "Right. What happened?" Asked Noah. "I beat him up after you passed out." Fin explained.

Noah's eyes widened. "Are you okay?" He asked worried. "You shouldn't be worrying about me. Worry about yourself." Finn said. Noah nodded. He grabbed the hem of Finns shirt signaling him too lay down beside him.

Finn climbed in Noah's bed and cuddled him. Finn kissed the top of his head. "Thank you." Noah said. "For what?" Finn asked. "For being my hero."


Hello! Hope you've enjoyed this chapter! I might be going to the football game at my school tonight. I have never been to a football game. So I hope I enjoy it! Have a wonderful day or night!

Words: 383

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