
Her body began to spasm, starting in her hand and traveling up through the rest of her, she cried out in pain as she lifted her arm. The very subtle sting that signaled the beginning of the torture curse began in her toes, curling them as she trembled.

Shutting her eyes tight.

No one is there, no one. Tonks is behind us, the forest is in front of us. There's nothing to get you. Calm down, Harper!


No, she was in a clearing. At Tonks' with no one else around. Lestrange is not here.

"Harper." The laughter continued in her mind.

Hands touched either side of Harper's face, she jumped and found Tonks staring at her intently, "no one is going to get you right now."

Harper nodded slightly, letting out a deep calming breath.

"When you feel yourself locking up, get to cover and breathe. Can you do a disillusionment charm?" Harper shook her head.

Tonks let out a slow breath as she smiled, "let's go over that. It'll help."

"Please don't mention it to George? I don't want to freak him out....he might..." she looked at George's wand, he may take it back if he knew she'd have a nervous breakdown.

"I won't," Tonks promised, "but....knowing that boy, he's probably watching from the balcony." Harper blushed slightly and nodded, knowing he most likely was, until the sun dipped below the tree line, Tonks and Harper worked on perfecting the disillusionment charm as best they could.

Harper bit her lip, exhaling slow after a few tries of the charm, "have you ever locked up when you go out there?"

The auror contemplated her words with a thoughtful smile, swishing the cup in her hand back and forth.

"No, but I've seen it happen to people with traumatic experiences. And...I imagine now with Teddy on his way...." Her hand ghosted over her stomach, "it's likely to happen. But if you can steady yourself enough to use a disillusionment charm or disorient them to get away, you have a moment to breathe through it."

"Will it stop?" Her face flushing a deep red, she'd thought she'd worked through things over the last several months. That she wouldn't have a reaction like this, but as her bicep twitched, she realized the trauma still clung tightly. A vice grip she'd believed she broke free from

Tonks took a steadying breath, "I wish I had an answer, Harper...I'm sorry, love."


George opened an eye as the sunlight slanted through the window and slowly rose across the floor, Harper shifted in his arms, pressing her cheek firmer against his chest as she sighed. His eyes silently rove along Harper's sleeping figure, his fingers slowly running down her spine, assessing her peaceful features for anything that haunted her.

Smiling, George threaded his fingers through her hair, the scent of lavender filling his nostrils as he breathed deeply. He could wake up everyday like this for the rest of his life and never get tired of the way it felt to hold the sleeping girl against him, never get tired of threading his fingers through her velvet soft hair and pressing his lips against her forehead while she pressed closer to him. George kept brushing his fingers through her hair, happy to have had a restful night's sleep—a rarity for the couple over the past few months.

Harper's nightmares haunted both of them, her restlessness was his own restlessness—her silent pleas for them to stop were his silent pleas. George reveled in the elation of these peaceful moments.

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