Chapter 26: Touch Of Class

Start from the beginning

"Why did you leave and check up on her?"

"She's one of my employees. She works in my home. You think I shouldn't give a shit?"

"No. You really shouldn't. She works. She receives a salary. What else is there to give a shit about?"

"Penelope. There's nothing going on between my maid and I."

As the words left my mouth, the naked image of Miss. Prime played in my mind. Her body looked like it was inviting me to it. Her smooth skin deserved kisses all over, her smile. Her hair. Her everything..

"Are you listening!?" Penelope's voice barked.


"You're thinking about her, aren't you?"

"Quit being paranoid. I'm trying to enjoy my food!"

We were bickering like two married couple. Suddenly, a knock came to the door. Penelope went to open it. She then reappeared with her father by her side.

"Marcus," I greeted him as I stood up and shook his hand.

"Forgive me for interrupting but I just had to see my daughter. How are you doing?" he asked and turned to her.

"Wonderful, dad."

"And, Ricky, what about you?"

"I'm great." My teeth grind.

"Wonderful. Now, I'm supposing you received the documents about Penelope joining your company. Yes?"

"I did."

"I hope it wasn't an overstep. You see, when you two get married, you would have to work together as husband and wife and what better way to do so than having you work side by side for now. And also, this would shape your company to remain in the hands of the family."

"What family exactly?" I asked

"The one you'll be having with my daughter of course."

Children with Penelope never crossed my mind!

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Ricky.. Ricardo hasn't even popped the question as yet," Penelope said much to my appreciation.

"Forgive me," Marcus said, "Okay. You two are settled and going great. So I'll take my leave. I'll see you tomorrow. 8:00am. Sharp." And with that, Marcus left.

The next morning, I was up and neatly dressed. Penelope and I met at the door and together we went to the lengthy but informative meeting.

Afterwards, a function was going to be held in the evening. We had time to return to the penthouse, freshen up, change into another attire and return to the venue.

Unfortunately for me, I ran right into Marcus again who swung his arm around my neck and led me to a private room like an office.

Once in there, we sat down.

"The meeting was a success. I was surprise that my partners liked your ideas. They usually decline everything."

"Going international would be the greatest opportunity. I had to sell it."

"That you did. You impressed me but you know I have the final say."

"I'm well aware, Marcus."

"Wonderful. So, Penelope made a statement last night. When are you going to propose?"

"I thought you said until..."

"Smart men always make the moves before the deadline. You're a smart man. I expect a faster pace."

"Penelope and I are rekindling..."

"You sound like a woman. You two have known each other for years. What is there to rekindle?"

"In case you've forgotten, we have grown up and grew apart."

"Nonsense. Penelope never stopped loving you and you never stopped loving her."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small white box. I opened it and saw an engagement ring.

"What's this?"

"A ring."

"I, know what it is. Why are you giving this to me?"

"Because I took it upon myself to pick out a ring I know my daughter would love. My gift to you. Pop the question."

"Marcus.. now this is an over-step and you've been making some big ones lately. I can pick out my own damn ring for your daughter!" I was furious now. Just who does he think he is?!

"You're dragging your feet, Ricky. But I see your pride and I don't wish to emasculate you so how about you keep the ring and refund me the money. Here's the receipt."

He handed it to me. One hundred thousand dollars.


"Wonderful! Now, it's settled. Go enjoy your engagement party."

"Wait.. What?"

"I had this whole thing planned."


"And you're going to ask for my daughter's hand. Tonight!"



Okay! Ricardo is in the deep-end and our boy is drowning 🥴

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