13 - Don't Go

397 22 13

“When were you planning on telling me?” 

The silence of the past ten minutes had finally been broken, but the tension remained, rising in fact. You pondered on whether you should even answer, wanting to just ignore and give him the cold shoulder until he had dropped you off. 

But knowing from experience, it would only make the situation worse. 

“I was going to tell you.”

His leg was bouncing now, drumming against the car floor as his jaw clenched. 

“When? The day you move in? When school starts?-”

“I just didn’t get the chance to tell you okay!” 

You finally get the courage to yell out into the car. 

The car turned into your neighbourhood. 

“No, that's totally fine. It’s not like I’m your husband or anything anymore, right? Cause we never got married, and you broke up with me, so who the fuck cares about what I fucking think.” His words were sharp, his eyes narrowed, his voice slightly rising. 

You sink further into your seat and look out the window, your arms crossed.

“Exactly.” you mutter. “It’s my decision.” 

“Oh it’s just your decision now?” 

He’s angry, hands tight around the steering wheel. 

“So we’re just going-” 

“Stop the car.” 

“Throw every fucking thing that-” 

“Stop the car!” 

“We went through-” 

“Stop the fucking car, Jungkook!” you yell out, glaring at him now. His eyes burn with rage but he parks the car right on the side of the road, two houses down from his home. You don’t even bother to wait for what he’s about to say next before, unbuckling quickly and getting out. 

Seeing you, Jungkook follows suit, slamming his car door shut. 

“Where are you going”

“Home!” you say over your shoulder, making it to the sidewalk, only for him to follow.

“No you’re staying here and we’re going to talk about this!”  

You ignore him, but he catches up to catch your arm. 

“Let go.” you grit your teeth, glaring. 


“There’s no point in talking, so let me go.” 

“I’m not letting you go anywhere till you tell me why.” 

You almost laugh out of anger right then in there. 

“You still want to know why?” you ask, “I thought I made it quite obvious.” 

“Just because we broke up isn’t a reason for you to move across the country, Y/N!” 

“It is, okay!” you yell out. “It is when your husband treats you like shit, and you have no one to go to. I felt so fucking lonely and you just don’t even understand!” 

“Then why didn’t you just talk to me!” 

“Because you didn’t give a shit! All you cared about were you stupid projects, and your boss, but not me! You can’t tell me that you actually cared, because you didn’t!” 

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