7 - Scars and Broken Hearts

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It had been five days now. Five days since you had fallen back in time and awakened as your eighteen year old self.

It all still felt like a dream, but with each day passing by you were given all the more reason to believe that everything was true; that you possibly weren't going insane, no matter how sceptical you were becoming.

You gave Jungkook the space that he asked you for, because you knew that he needed it. It would have been gruesome to say no to him, and let him go through the same pain again without having time to recover. Seeing your brother and mother-in-law alive once more also flashed you the same pain from when you had found out the news of their death. But you were handling it better than Jungkook, just like you initially had.

As days passed by, the more anxious you became of the outcome. Thoughts and questions without answers began flooding your mind, keeping you awake at night as your parents thought you to be peacefully sleeping. You wished you were.

The only things you could think of were Minji, and where she was right now, and how you could have possibly ended up where you had.

Did coming back mean you had to relive everything again? Was this supposed to be a second chance?

That thought stuck with you the most; A second chance.

A chance without mistakes that you previously had done, like not studying hard enough for your year two international finance class, and spending too much money on the new pair of shoes that you never got to wear, and accepting a ring one particular night with a sky filled with stars and eyes that sparkled just like them.

You brushed away the last thought quickly, guilt pressing down on you.

You turned onto your side instead of staring up blankly at the ceiling like you had for who knows how long, but the buzz of your phone had you soon sitting up, interrupting your thoughts.

Kookie♡: Can you please come over?


Kookie♡: You'll see when you get here

With your brows creasing in the middle, you stood up from your bed, going through your closet to quickly find something to wear.


You stood in front of his door now, shifting from one foot to the other as you grew more anxious to find out the reason for him to be calling you over around noon when not contacting you once over the past few days.

Was there something wrong? Had he figured something out? Why else would he send you a text with so little information?

The door in front of you creaked open.

"Oh great, you're here."

Jungkook stepped aside to let you walk in and take off your shoes. You then turned to him as he shut the front door before he grabbed you and dragged you with him upstairs while you followed in confusion. He pushed his bedroom door open, bringing you in with him.

"Jungkook? What's going on-?" your breath was caught in your throat as his lips met yours hungrily, his hands cupping your cheeks a bit harshly.

Your eyes were wide open, startled by the sudden kiss, but it was what you had been waiting so long for. Having him kiss you for the first time in so long, reminded you of how good it used to feel; how it would spark something within you and cause your insides to flutter no matter how many times he'd kissed you over the years.

Slowly you let yourself ease into him, allowing for him to devour you just like he used to once upon a time. Your hand came to hold his nape, his own sliding down to your waist to hold you while forcing you two steps back and have you caged against his bedroom door.

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