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"Good morning, lovebirds~"

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"Good morning, lovebirds~"

A soft familiar voice reached your ears, one that you hadn't heard in what felt like ages. It was the same voice that would sing you lullabies to sleep - the same one that cried on the day of your wedding day as you told her not to, or your makeup would mess up. It was the voice that you had longed to hear, one you hadn't called in ages.

The sound of the curtain rings scraping against the curtain bar filled the room right after, the rays of sun seeping into your room in an instant. It left your eyes fluttering open from your slumber, blinking a few times to adjust to the change in brightness.

Your gaze fell on a figure staring out the window for a moment to admire the bright day outside before turning to you, her smile warm and loving.

"Mom?" your morning voice croaked at the sight of her, your head lifting off of the pillow to squint and make sure it was actually her.

"What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean what am I doing here, silly. I came to wake you up for lunch, since the both of you slept in for breakfast." she chuckled near the end, turning towards your desk and arranging the pencils that lay across it. "Your father hasn't gone to work yet, so I was hoping that you both would at least show up for lunch."

Your brows furrowed, trying to piece together the information while still in a haze. It left you wondering why she was in your home so unexpectedly.

You watched her turn towards the wall decorated with polaroids which hung from a connected string, random taped quotes surrounding them on the wall.

"Is this one new? I haven't seen this one before." your mother pointed towards a polaroid, a smile spreading across her lips at the sight.

You had to squint to make out the picture she indicated, catching sight of yourself smiling at the camera as Jungkook made a duck face over your shoulder, the both of you swimming at the edge of a swimming pool.

Your brows met at the center once more, growing confused about the picture. You couldn't remember ever seeing it before, and it definitely wasn't recent.

You slowly sat up, leaning on your elbow as you took the scene in, feeling something slip off your hip. Your head snapped to the body that lay right next to you, chest rising and falling at a slow pace as his lips remained parted.

He never slept that close to you. At least not anymore.

Your heart rate began to increase as you let your eyes trail around the room, your breathing beginning to shallow as you tried to piece together how you got there.

It wasn't your bedroom. At least not the one of your current home.

It was the one you grew up in, the one that you slept in for the first 18 years of your life.

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