3 - I Miss Us

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"Ready?" a soothing low voice spoke by your ear, his hands holding your arms to help guide you from behind due to the blindfold placed over your eyes.

"I swear Jeon Jungkook, if you drove us two hours just to get to some random ramen restaurant you found online..."

"What will you do?" he asked teasingly, as you could imagine his lips spreading out into a smile to reveal his bunny teeth.

"I'll... I don't know."

You let out a sigh, unable to think of a reason as he chuckled.

What would you do? You'd end up happily eating the ramen with him after scolding him for a bit. But either way, you knew you'd end up enjoying your time with your significant other instead.

"Well, you'll just have to find out. Ready?"

You could feel his fingers take hold of the knot that kept the blindfold tied around your head. You nodded as an answer, your mind restless to find out what the mysterious destination he had been bugging you about was.

Slowly, the blindfold came undone once he tugged on the end, your eyes blinking to adjust to your surroundings.

Your gaze landed on an open field, your brows furrowing in confusion at the sight of the dark view, considering it was quite past sunset.

You turned to your lover, gazing up at him with a questioning look, only to see him grinning.

"Look up." he spoke, his eyes twinkling amidst the dark.

You complied, letting your eyes travel up towards the night sky, catching sight of the endless view of stars.

Your breath was caught in your throat, your lips parting as you took a moment, maybe even more, to register the scene that stared down at you.

It was beautiful. Truly beautiful.

You felt your hand being held, followed by him clearing his throat. You let your gaze travel back to the man that stood before you.

He smiled down at you with a soft look in his eyes, his hands warm while they held your own. He took a moment to look down at his feet before meeting your eyes again, a sense of nervousness surrounding him.

"Are you alright?" you asked with furrowed brows, taking a step forward to cup his face and admire him closer for anything that was bothering him.

He nodded his head, his lips curving up further as his eyes sparkled under the glimmer of the stars. Your hands slipped to fall onto his shoulders, a questioning look in your eyes as his Adam's apple bobbed.

He took your hands once again, your eyes meeting. You grew more confused.

"Stop looking at me like that," he chuckled nervously as your brow raised further.

"You're worrying me."

"There's nothing to be worried about, I'm fine." he assured.

"Are you sure?"

You reached out to cup his face again, but he stopped you, taking your hands and holding them to prevent you from doing anything.

"Stop," he spoke with a grin.

"You stop. You're acting funny," you responded. He only let out a chuckle, his eyes forming into mini moons.

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