8 - The Truth

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{Note: Hey Guys! I know I've already published this part, but I changed the end quite a bit cause I wasn't satisfied with the previous one. Let me know what you think!}

Kookie♡: Hey [seen 9:36 am]

Kookie♡: Can we meet up? [seen 11:22 am]

Kookie♡: I know you don't want to talk to me right now, but I owe you an explanation [ seen 11:54 am]

Kookie♡: Meet me at the park at 7 tonight. I hope you still remember our spot [seen 12:05]

You sat there staring at the message that Jungkook had sent you about half an hour ago, nibbling on your bottom lip while debating on the invite.

After what had happened the previous day, Jungkook was definitely the last person that you wanted to see at the moment, and with good reason.

It wasn't the fact that you didn't want to have sex with him that bothered you, you very much did, but him asking for it after so long, without even bothering to contact you or ask how you were doing while stuck in this new reality was what hurt you the most.

It felt like all the love he had for you had faded away, and with the new young body that you now had, he just wanted you physically. Nothing more.

"Honey?" your head snapped in the direction of the soft voice that rang throughout the living room as you sat on the centre couch, catching your mother walking towards you with two envelopes in her hand. "Look what came for you!"

She waved the envelopes with a big smile spread across her lips, making you giggle and take the papers from her hold. You turned them over to see your name and address, the insignia and name of Seoul National University on one, and Pohang University on the other.

Your heart dropped.

University acceptance letters.

You hadn't worried about such things in so long, and having the envelopes in your hold right now, the anxiety and worry from ten years ago came rushing back.

What if the outcomes weren't the same?

Had your current self done worse or better? Or was everything still the same?

It was time to find out.

Your mother eagerly peared over your shoulder as you ripped open the first one by Seoul National University.

Your lips slowly curved up.

We are happy to accept you into our graduating class of-

"I got in!" you squealed, your mother following behind as she gave you a hug.

"Okay next one!" she then exclaimed, taking the first envelope out of your hand.

You nibbled on your bottom lip, ripping open the other.

"We would like to congratulate you in being accepted into our-"

You jumped up onto your feet, squealing as you were accepted into Pohang University, the university of your dreams, and hugged your mom tightly.

"I got accepted to both!"

"I'm so proud of you, honey!" she squeezed you tight. "That means you can finally go to Pohang," you broke to hug and held you at an arm's distance with a warm smile.

Yes you could. They were the exact same results as ten years ago.


What about Jungkook?

The flashbacks of the same time ten years ago flashed before your eyes; sitting down next to him and agreeing to study in Seoul together while renting out your own apartment. You both had been accepted back then, and got to study in the programs you had wanted, but at the back of your mind you always wondered what would have happened if you had accepted Pohang university's offer, the one you had dreamed about all throughout high school.

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