Chapter 9

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The last three days were filled with planning for a frontal attack, having the people evacuate and training for the big day. Throughout the past few months I have been here, I realised that some people need to know pain. So on the night before the war, I asked Najenda if she could put me on a mission so I could be caught and reveal everything and show them the power of my pain. She agreed to this and assigned me to kill a general in the castle itself.
    I got ready and put on my anbu armor along with a brand new mask. I put on my Akastuki cloak along with a hat with many decorations on it that we all had back in the day. I was equipped with a sword, kunai, and summoning/ storage scrolls. As I got ready to leave, Akame was at my door. She ran to me and hugged me tight.
    "Please, come back alive. I don't want to lose you."
    "I will, don't forget who you are talking to. I'm Itachi Uchiha, a shinobi of the village hidden in the leaves."
    Everyone wished me luck on the mission and told me to be strong. I took all the words everyone said and placed them in my heart. I walked out of the base and took off. It's time to paint the town red. Hours later I was hanging on the ceiling and waited for the right moment to strike. As soon as I saw Esdeath come in, I came down and slashed the target in half. The look of surprise from the Emperor, Honest, Esdeath and the others were priceless.
    I immediately surrendered and was taken to a cell. Moments later, Esdeath came in and stared at me. She had cold eyes and had a stern look.
    "Why are you here Itachi? You could have easily escaped and been free. Even right now you could break the bars of your cell and leave. So why?"
    "Because this is a mission."
    "What mission?"
    "I was assigned to kill that man and to get captured so I could distract you from the frontal assault."
    When I said this Esdeath realised what I meant, then I spoke up again.
    "You have two choices. One, you could side with me and the Akatsuki and wipe out the evil in this world and you could be a candidate to help me revive my clan. Or two, stay with the corrupted and die. Either way, this kingdom will fall. My group is allied with Night Raid. We have similar ideals and agreed to work together."
    "So you are one of them?"
    "You mean a monster, killer, or a traitor? Either way, I don't care. Because this kingdom will know pain."
    That morning I was strapped to a cross and was brought to the arena where I fought Tutsume. Esdeath came out and had her rapear ready, she walked out for all to see. The Emperor and Honest were watching from their balcony, and Honest was smiling. When Esdeath approached me, she began to talk.
    "You have been convicted for killing a general and for being allied with the Night Raid, you will be killed by my hands."
    She went and stabbed me in the heart and then the world around them shifted. Everyone who was there saw this and was confused. Then the area went back to normal and I was unharmed and was no longer strapped to a cross. I looked up in the sky and gave Pain the signal. I flew up to him and let him do his thing. The people that were in the stratum were corrupt high officials and rich families.
    "This world shall know true pain. Almighty Push!"
    The arena was destroyed and nearly everyone died. All but Esdeath and the Emperor and Honest. Esdeath stayed to fight while the other two fled. Pretty soon the revolutionary army came in and Pain went to command them. I then met up with Nagato to flatten the center of the empire. After that was done, the rest of the Akatsuki and Night Raid joined the fight and took out some generals, Akame and Tatsumi found me and we began to plan out how we were going to get Honest. At that moment, Esdeath came in ready to kill. Tatsumi blocked her and held her off then a huge mech came out of nowhere. That's when I used my perfect susanoo to fight it, this lasted for a while. Akame was helping Tatsumi take on Esdeath. I finally took out the mech but it was falling and heading for some survivors. Tatsumi saw this and he used his incursio to bump up his power to stop the impact. Luckily the impact was stopped but Tatsumi was injured badly. I rushed over to him and began to treat his wounds.
    "Itachi, I don't think that the power you have will help me. At least I was able to save some people before I died."
    "You can't give up, you still have a destiny to fulfill."
    I used one of my paths again to bring out a monstrous head and threw Tatsumi in, everyone could hear his bones breaking and when it spat him out, he was completely healed. He walked out ready to fight again. But I stopped him.
    "Tatsumi, get Akame out of here. I'll take care of Esdeath myself."
    "But Ican fight, you need me."
    "I know you can, but you are too weak to fight her. Go, get Akame out of here."
    He nodded and retreated with Akame. Now she will get a taste of my power.
    "I'm giving you one last chance, the capital's army is nearly gone. I can tell by the amount of life force here. Give up."
    "Only on one condition."
    "That would be?"
    "To marry me."
    "I might consider it."
    "It's either yes, or no."
    "Remember, I only need your help to revive my clan."
    "So you don't really love me?"
    "I care enough not to kill you right now."
    This continued for what seemed like an hour, but eventually she agreed. But she wanted to prove herself worthy of carrying my child. So I gave her a test. Akame passed it and wasn't mentaly damaged the first time we met. Then the world turned red, and clouds turned black and moved in reverse. Esdeath was strapped to a cross and was surrounded by a thousand of me. She was repeatedly stabbed over and over again until she died. Then was brought back to life and restarted this cycle.
    "Time and space, I control them."
    "How long will it take before your spirit breaks and shatters before your eyes."
    "Ggahhh, what is this?"
    Only 3 days, 21 hours, 42 minutes and 27 seconds to go. This is my Tsukiyoume, this is why no one was able to put my picture on a wanted list, because anyone who looks at me gets this torture."
    When it was finally over, Esdeath fell to her knees and gasped for air. She had never felt this kind of pain before. She slowly rose to her feet and regained her composure.
    "Seems like you have passed my test, so you are worthy."
    I extended my hand to Esdeath and walked closer to her. When I was close enough she took my hand and embraced me in a hug. She held me tight and began to whisper into my ear.
    "I will be the only one you love, thank you."
    "I'm afraid you are mistaken, the woman I love is Akame. Everyone else is here to help me revive my can. You happen to be part of everyone else."
    Her eyes widened and then grew in rage, she looked like she was ready to kill someone at any moment.
    "Why her, why not me?
    "Because unlike you, she understands pain. She understands my pain, and I understand hers'. We both share the same pain. How can you have empathy for someone if you don't understand their pain? Me and her are alike, we both were used by the system, we both see through the eyes of our families and the people. Unlike your home, my village wasn't corrupted but one man. His name is Donzo. He was the one that ordered me to slaughter my clan but my brother. And it was through these events that I saw for who he really is, a mad man. He wanted power, so he stole sharingans from different people of my clan throughout the years. It was because of him I lost my best friend, my family, my freedom, and the trust of my little brother. But it was a sacrifice I had to make, I had protected konoha. I am Itachi Uchiha of the village hidden in the leaves."
    We stood there in silence for a while until Esdeath spoke up again. This time she shocked me.
    "Very well then, but we will still get married. me, Akame, and all the other girls."
I agreed and I got her to align with me and take down Honest, after that we went to look for him. At the same time a shadow clone of mine was working to heal Akames injuries. After all of that was done my clone dispersed and Akame and Tatsume went to look for me. While all of this happened, Honest was trying to flee and was stopped dead in his tracks by leone. Leone burst through one of the walls and was ready to kill the overweight man.
"Found you, you bastard!"
"I think not!"
Honest held his left hand that had a ring on it and it glowed for a few seconds. When it did leones' Tenju shattered and deactivated her form. When this happened, Honest pulled a gun on Leone and shot her multiple times. But even with that Leone charged at the man and held him up in a choke hold.
"H-how are you still able to fight?"
"Because scum like you give me a reason to live."
As she said this she snapped the man's neck and dropped him. As she did that she fell to the floor and began to die slowly from blood loss. She was ready to die when she saw me come up to her and begin to treat her wounds. At the same time Leone saw Esdeath with me and wanted to warn me but couldn't. But when I couldn't heal her because the damage was too much, I activated the Rennegan and used one of the paths to heal her completely. Once it was all done, Leone jumped on top of me and wouldn't get off.
"You do care alot about me, Itachi, no matter how much you try to ignore me and get away from me. You still cared."
After all the explaining was done and Leone got off of me, we went to look for the others. Once we got outside, the entire capital army was destroyed and all that was left was my team, Night Raid and the Revolutionary Army. as soon as we met up with them, Akame and Tatsume came rushing over to us. Akame embraced me in a tight hug and wouldn't let go. Then the leader of the Revolutionary army came to greet me.
"You must be the famed Itachi Uchiha with god-like powers, are you not?"
"Yes I am, now that we won, this place can go back to what it used to be before Honest. And don't worry, Honest is dead. Leone killed him."
"I'm thankful for that. Now we need someone to become the new Emperor since the last one was killed by Honest. We just retrieved his body, it looks like Honest killed him before he fled."
"How about Najenda, she could take the role of Emperor."
"That's not a bad Idea."
Najenda came forth and I activated one of my paths to heal people. I took off nagindas robotic arm and eye patch and led her to the mouth of my path. A few moments later, she came out looking like she had never fought a war before. The Akatsuki later got together and celebrated with the rest of us. Then I decided to give them a little present. I made a shadow clone and had it make hand signs. Nagato knew what it was and tried to stop me.
As soon as my shadow clone said that, all of the Akatsuki members slowly got reincarnated and were alive once more. Alot of them were happy and excited but Nagato was confused.
"Why would you do that, Itachi?"
"Because, I wanted you to get a second chance at life."
With that Nagato was satisfied and continued on. Later on Najenda was crowned as Emperor. Me, Akame, Leone, Esdeath, Shelle, and Chelsea got married a day after that. And while we were at it, we had Sasuke marry his girlfriend Korime. Years passed and I had two kids with each of them. We all lived in a temple that me and the Akatsuki members made as a hideout for official business. All the former Night Raid members also lived there and we kept defending the capital from invasions from neighboring kingdoms. But the most important part of this hideout was that there was a memorial for the Uchiha clan. Not only that but when my children were born, I decided to name the first born after the most powerful and great Uchihas that ever lived. I planned on having them go out and find a partner for life as soon as they activated their sharingan and I taught them how to use their chakra properly. Recently Sasuke and Korume had their first child. They named her Sarada. Once in a while me and Sasuke would train together and he found a way to teleport with his renn-sharingan, which if you ask me is pretty amazing.
Once in a while Nagenda would call us up and give us a mission once in a while, they weren't that bad but were time consuming at times. Everyone got married like Tatsumi married Mine, Lubbock Married some general from the revolutionary army, and the others married people from other places. Nagato and Konan got married and Nagenda married Yahiko/Pain. But when I used the Rinne-rebirth, Yahiko was more alive than anyone. He showed emotion, laughter, sadness, sorrow, and happiness. We all had happy lives, everyone was happy.
"Father, what's the meaning in life"
"Let me tell you a story, Mikoto."
I activated my Mangekyou Sharingan and showed my daughter my earliest memories. What awaited her was a young Itachi helping the enemy survive but later killing him on the battlefield. My story lived on. I am Itachi Uchiha of the hidden leaf and this is my story when I got sent to another world.

/ He guys, sorry I'm late on posting this and I'll be posting the last chapter in a few minutes. By the way, if you want me to do a remastered version of this I can. Especially since this was made during my sophomore and Junior year of high school. Also I mad a new crossover. It is called the tale of deku. So jiriaya is reincarnated into the MHA world and retains all of his abilities and trains Midoriya. Hope you like it.

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