Chapter 4

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I woke up this morning ready for the training that was to come that day. I walked through the hall when Leone came up to me.
    "The boss is having a meeting, come on."
    I followed her to the main room where Najenda was sitting in her chair. She looked up at me and greeted me with good morning.
    "Now that everyone is here, I have a mission for some of you."
    She looked at me.
    "There is an ex-executioner called Zankou. Itachi, Akame, Tatsume you will take him out. Mine and Sheele, you will scout the area to make sure no guards are around. Everyone else will stay and do some extra training. You are all excused."
    Later at night, me, Akame and Tatsume were waiting out in the streets for Zanku to appear. The moon was full and the streets were mostly dark. We all talked to pass the time, I told them stories about me and Sasuke and some more information about me slaughtering my clan. All of a sudden Tatsume stood up and said that he needed to take care of some business.
    "Nature calls," said Akame.
    Tatsume left without saying a word and then Akame broke the silence.
    "So, what was life for you in your world?"
    I looked at her and sighed, maybe I should tell her.
    "Let me tell you a little story. Once I had a friend who was from a village called the hidden mist. He told me what had happened to him and why he started the Akatsuki. Once the land of fire and my village the hidden leaf had grown too big. To protect their national interest they forced feudal clans to wage war against each other. And each time they did, my friend's home was laid to waste, and it barely recovered. As that happened they profited from it, otherwise the people of the village would have starved. You and I are seeking the very same thing. We both want to achieve peace. We are both the same, we're both motivated by our desire for peace and justice. The justice that we will deliver to this kingdom is no different from what you were trying to do to me when we first met. Everyone feels the same pain in losing something dear, you and I have both experienced that pain. You strive for your justice and I strive for mine. We are just ordinary people, who have been driven to seek out vengeance in the name of justice. And if one calls vengeance justice, such justice will breed further vengeance and trigger a vicious cycle of hatred. Right now we live in such a sycle. I know the past and can foretell our future, it's the same as our history. So we believe human beings simply cannot understand each other and they never will. This world is ruled by hatred and hatred alone. So akame how would you confront this hatred in order to create peace?"
    I waited for a while before I spoke again.
    "I want to know your answer."
    "I don't know, I don't have an answer."
    "That was something my friend would always say if someone had a difference in opinion."
    We sat in silence for a short while when Akame broke the silence.
    "Tatsume should have come back by now." she said in worryness
    "Then we need to find him, I'll go east and you go west. If one of us finds him, make a signal in the sky to let the other know, okay?"
    She nodded, then we were off. I headed east and flew through the air without making a sound each time I landed on a roof. I then heard the sound of swords clashing back where Akame went. I knew for a fact they were in trouble, I then ran in the direction of the sound of clashing swords. When I got there, Tatsume was sitting on the ground up against a wall and was injured. Akame was trying to fend off a will built man ranging to seven feet tall. I knew this had to be the target.
    The executioner went in for a fatal blow when I suddenly stepped in. I grabbed Akame and sat her beside Tatsume. When I lowered her to the ground I gave her some bandages and a small first aid kit I always carried with me. When I turned to look at the target he was in a state of shock.
    "Who the hell are you?"
    I walked towards him slowly and steady. I kept a fair distance between us and looked into his eyes, and he looked into mine.
    "Kid that was your first mistake looking into my eyes, you are gonna die."
I can hear Akame warning me about the man. Apparently he is like me in a way. Making illusions is what he does best, but I'm better at it.
    "The same goes for you too."
    "Oh, really now?"
    I saw him disappear and  Sasuke took his place, my little brother standing before me. This didn't affect me, because I knew Sasuke was with Naruto fighting that war. I rushed toward him and attacked with a forward slash. The illusion broke and the man stood before me astonished at what I had done.
    "You were supposed to see the person you love," said the man.
    "You failed to realize that the person I love is fighting a war right now. And for using his face to try and deceive me, you will get the worst punishment of them all." I said in a dark voice.
    My eyes glowed red and revealed the three tomoes and spun rapidly until it morphed into my mangekyou sharingan. The world around us changed, the sky turned red and the clouds moved in reverse. The man was now strapped to a cross and was surrounded by a thousand of me holding swords.
    "Illusions like that don't work on me, but mine can't be stopped unless I say so."
One by one I stabbed him over and over again and he screamed in pain and died. A few seconds later he woke up only to meet his fate once again, but he noticed that there were several crosses and he was on them.
    "Time and space, I control them."
    I did another round of stabbing before I said to him the most horrifying thing.
    "11 months, 30 days, 45 minutes, 32 seconds left to go. But how long will it take until your soul gives up, I wonder."
    This lasted for what seemed like an eternity. At the same time I allowed Akame and Tatsume to watch and witness what kind of damage I could do to a person. At this point the executioner was begging for the torment to end and to just kill him to get it over with. I didn't listen to him, I followed all the way through and when it was over he collapsed. He was so out of breath that he couldn't speak correctly, his words were slurred together making it hard to understand him.
    I walked over to him and raised my sword and kept it there for a few seconds to speak before I sliced his head off.
    "You were never a match for me, you get a thrill out of killing others for your own amusement and wont stop because you aren't satisfied enough. You only get your strength out of that weapon you have strapped to your forehead, but never really focused on building up a wall to protect your mind from someone that has the same abilities that you do. That is why you lost."
    When I finished, I let my sword follow through and cut his head off. I turned to look at Akame and Tatsume, they were still recovering from what they had seen and heard. I walked towards them and helped them to their feet.
    "I knew you were a strong Itachi, but that was on a different level of overkill." said Tatsume.
    We kept chatting when we heard a loud boom a few blocks away. I had a bad feeling that Mine and Sheele were in trouble. We all looked at eachother and I started talking.
    "I'll take care of that, Akame. I need you to take Tatsumi back to base for me."
    She nodded and we went our separate ways. I headed towards the sound from where it came and saw that Mine was being strangled by a huge beast and Sheele was shot in the chest. I was infuriated, I activated my rinnegan and I went on a rampage.
    "Almighty Push!" I yelled and the beast flew away.
    At the same time I grabbed Mine from her free fall and set her beside Sheele.
    "Don't worry I can heal her completely with my Nakara Path."
    "With Your what?"
    A huge stone resembling a monster head came out of the ground. I picked up Sheele and threw her in the mouth of the stone-faced monster. It then began to chew her like food and you can hear the sound of bone crushing.
    "What the hell are you doing to her, are you trying to kill her?"
    "You talk too much."
    At the same time the chewing stopped and Sheele came out completely fine and no wounds were visible and her bloodstains were gone. I turned to our opponent and said what pain used to say.
    "You shall know true pain!" I picked up a nail and used the Almighty Push to stab it in her left eye.
    She yelled in pain and was bleeding everywhere. I then used a genjutsu to erase her memories of this fight. She then passed out and walked over to Mine and Sheele, who were even more terrified of me than before. I grabbed their shoulders and teleported them away close to the hideout. We walked in and helped Mine on a medical bed in the medical room and took care of her broken arm. I placed my hands over the broken bone and focused my chakra on the injury and in a few minutes, the bone had healed all the way.
    Mine looked at me in fascination, what I was doing was something new that she or anyone had seen before. but she should know already, I'm unpredictable. When I finished she asked me how I was able to heal her. I then told her that I mastered my chakra control and I'm able to heal others easily. She nodded and we kept talking, I asked her what had happened and she said it was just bad luck.
    "Me and Sheele were scouting and this guard came out and attacked us, she also had a Tenju. It was an organic Tenju, and it has the ability to attack by command and change its owner's limbs into weapons."
    "Seems bad, you're lucky I was there."
    "By the way, Itachi, how did you do those things? I saw your eyes turn purple and you could fly. I saw you throw that beast without touching it. And you shot a nail at the guard's eye while it was in the air."
    "That is another gift I have, it's called the rinnegan. It allows me to use the six paths. That includes the healing ability that I used on Sheele."
    Mine was about to speak when Akame came in. she looked at Mine and saw the cuts, immediately like a flash of lightning she was caring for Mines cuts. I got up and left but before I walked out to the next room I heard Mine tell Akame what I could do. I could do nothing but smile, even though I don't like to brag. It is nice to hear people talk about how good I am.
    Najenda was standing by the door and started to talk to me.
    "You really are an amazing Itachi, I'm glad we have you on our side." she said in a soft voice.
    "Thank you." I said.
    "We are also having a meeting in a few minutes, so see you there."
    "Plus you got some more explaining to do."
    I looked at her and realized what she meant by that, I can't believe words travel that fast. But I had to tell them anyway, sooner or later. When everyone got to the meeting, Najenda had told everyone that there was a group that was impersonating the Night Raid. killing innocent families to frame us.
    "So I want Tatsume and Bullat to take care of the problem. I got intel that they will strike at a ship being used for a party."
    "But it might be a trap," said Lubbock.
    "That's a risk I'm willing to take. Plus it's only three people. Also I got word that Esdeath is back."
    The room went silent for a few seconds, but then Kisame broke the silence.
    "Who's Esdeath?"
    Mine looked at the shark like a man and yelled at him.
    "Do you really know nothing? Esdeath is a sadist general for the imperial army. She wields a Tenju that creates ice from thin air."
    Kisame gave her a demonic shark-like smile. He raised his sword and swung it towards her. He intentionally missed so it could absorb her energy.
    "Talk that way to me again and I won't just take your life energy with my Samehada. I will kill you, so remember that." he said with blood thirsty eyes.
    "Kisame, that's enough. She has learned her lesson, Don't do something that you will regret later. Don't you remember what I told you when we first became partners." I said with my death stare.
    "Anyways, Itachi has some more explaining to do. He has powers that he has been hiding from us." said Najenda.
    I looked at her and then everyone else, this was the first time even my old team looked at me with confusing eyes in a long time. I then told them the story of who I met in the afterlife and what he gave me. This included my mission of helping Night Raid. only Akame, Mine and Sheele know of my rinnegan. Sheele only knows little because I never told her how it works. I continued to talk about the rinnegan and its powers that it grants me.
    "So now you're like Pain, you got those god-like eyes." Kisame said.
    All of Night Raid looked at Kisame, and began to question him on this Pain character. But when he said that he wouldn't tell and to ask me was when I knew for sure he was an ass.
    "Pain was our leader, but he was controlled by Naguto. Which nagato also has the rinnegan like me. Even though I can't bring Nagato back because I trapped him in a different dimension, I can still bring back Pain."
    Everyone was stunned that there was someone else who had similar powers. But what shocked everyone was what I had said next.
    "Najenda, I'm going to bring Pain back and have him go with you whenever you leave to do important things. Like getting new recruits elsewhere."
    I started weaving hand signs extremely fast and made the final hand sign. I focused all of my chakra.
    "Orochimaru Style: Reanimation summoning Jutsu."
    At last the coffin of our old boss came from the ground. It opened to reveal an orange haired man with lots of piercings all around his face, but the rest of his piercings were underneath his clothing. He opened his eyes and the rinnegan came to life, he stepped out and I pulled a kunai with the Edo Tensei tag on it. I stabbed Pain with it but his body absorbed it and slowly he became more alive than he was before.
    "Pain , it has been a while, my old friend."
    "Same goes for you, Itachi. Where are we?"
    "We are in another world, my new goal is to help the Night Raid to overcome their corrupted Kingdom. And I want you to help their leader, Najenda, and be the other boss."
    Pain looked at Najenda and I could plainly see that she fell in love with pain. Anyone could see it, but that didn't affect Pain at all. He walked over to Najenda and pulled out his hand.
    "It will be an honor working with you, Najenda."
    "Same goes for you." said Najenda without even blinking and looking away from him.
    "Anyways I'm beat, good night everyone." said Lubbock.
    Everyone was dismissed and I overheard Najenda asking him if he would like to spend the night in her room. Is she really into him to ask him that, especially when they first met. I saw Najenda grabbing his hand and taking him towards her room. Wait, she convinced him? Later that night I spent looking out my window thinking about the future and slowly fell asleep.
    When I woke up however, things got a little weird. I sat up in bed and looked to my right, Leone was sleeping right next to me and I couldn't figure out how she even got in here. My shirt was off and I don't even remember taking it off. What the fuck happened last night? I am so screwed.

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