Chapter 5

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What had happened last night? All I remember was going to sleep and that's it. Finally, Leone woke up and smiled at me. That gave me shivers down my spine, what did she even do to me while I slept? I wanted to speak but Leone beat me to it.
"Last night was pretty fun, huh Itachi?" she said.
Now I'm even more worried about last night.
"Leone, why are you here? I thought I set up traps to prevent people from coming into my room." I said.
"Oh those, yeah. I disarmed them last night."
"You did what?"
"Lubbock was telling us how cool you were at making traps and how you set some everywhere in your room. So I sniffed them out and disabled them."
"What did you do to me while I was asleep?"
"Oh don't pretend like you don't know, we had some love if you know what I mean."
She smiled when she said that as if she knew someone was there on the other side of my door. Like magic Akame came bursting down my door with Mine and Sheele.
All three of them were pissed, especially Akame. They slowly walked our way and Mine held her Tenju at me and Sheel held hers at Leone ready to cut her in half. Akame just stared at me and she looked at Leone who was still smiling.
"Did I hear Leone correctly, did you have sex with her?" said Akame.
"That , I do not know because I just found out she disabled all my traps."
"Were all the traps for her or for everyone?"
"Mainly for her and in case someone tried to kill me in my sleep."
I had no reason to lie to her and because she saw the truth in my eyes she told Mine to lower her gun. But Sheele kept her giant scissors at Leone. I got out of bed and grabbed my shirt, but when I tried to put it on was when things got even weirder. Akame took my shirt and threw it to the side, and she started to walk towards me. I also noticed that Mine, Sheele and Leone were doing the same thing. They were about to grab me but then I woke up.
I stood up and checked my traps and they were intact and ready as always. I slowly opened my door and looked around and no one was awake. I sighed in relief at the fact that I was just dreaming. Oh thank god it was just a dream. I guess I can go to sleep again. But when I laid back down I couldn't go back to sleep, so I pulled out my make out paradise series and read for the rest of the night. When morning came, I got dressed and headed to the kitchen. Akame was there getting things ready, and when she saw me she smiled.
Again, thank god it was only a dream. Akame and I made pancakes and set them down on the table. I prepared a syrup for the pancakes and made my signature mangekyou sharingan design on one side and the Night Raid symbol on the other. When everyone came in they were surprised to see the unique design and the Night Raid logo on it. Kisame, Sasori, Deidara and Pain didn't look surprised other than the fact that they were going to eat my pancakes.
"Hey Itachi, did you make your special syrup for the pancakes?" asked Kisame.
"Yes, I did."
All of Night Raid were surprised that my pancakes were even better than Akames. It was my mom's secret recipe, no one will know about it but Akame. Akame is the only one I trust so I might teach her my mom's recipe.
"By the way Najenda, what did you and Pain do last night when you dismissed us?"
Najenda turned red for a few seconds and shook it off. She got her stern look back and looked at me.
"Well me and Pain had to get to know each other a bit more if we were going to work together." Najenda said.
"In other words she was horny and we had sex. Also she pushed me on the bed and she was on top most of the time." said Pain.
Everyone looked at Pain then Najenda then Pain again. They couldn't believe what came out of Pain's mouth. Pain as always had an expressionless face. No one could tell how he truly felt but hate. I have a feeling that he enjoyed it and went for round two, but that is just my imagination.
"Putting that aside. while Tatsume and Bulat are investigating for the posers, the rest of you will train while me and Pain get ready to leave to find new recruits." said Najenda.
While Tatsume and Bulat left for the mission, me and Kisame took Akame, Leone and Sheele to the training grounds. Deidara and Sasori took the others for their practice in the woods.
"Okay everyone, since we got our training time canceled last time today you will go up against me and Itachi," said Kisame.
"Remember, don't use all your power, they aren't like us." I said.
"Don't worry, I'm going to be extra nice and I won't use my sword."
We stood there for a full minute, but then Leone decided to throw the first punch. She was targeting Kisame with her lion-like strength but missed. Kisame is just too fast for her, plus he's not doing anything but dodging her attacks. I know exactly what he's doing, he's trying to tire her out so she can't defend herself. As I predicted, a few minutes later Leone tired herself out and Kisame started weaving hand signs.
"Water Style: Five Hungry Sharks!" Kisame yelled.
Like magic, water appeared and took the form of five sharks. This scared Leone and the others, and Leone froze. The sharks headed towards Leone but Akame and Sheele blocked the attack. When I came in, I weaved hand signs and stopped at the tiger.
"Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flame!" I yelled.
A wall of fire emerged and was going towards the three of them. That's when Kisame unleashed a water technique that sent a huge wave of water at the fire. This caused the two to mix and create a mist. Me and Kisame went head on and made a frontal assault. Me and Akame were at it, with our swords banging against one another. Kisame was taking care of Sheele and Leone, but then had him on the ground. Did that idiot use up all of his chakra for that last water style attack? That dumb ass.
"Seems like your friend is down, so what will you do? It's you against the three of us." said Akame.
"But you seem to have forgotten who you're dealing with." I said.
My clone dispersed into a flock of crows and headed in the direction of Leone and Sheele. Once they got there, I appeared in front of them like lightning and kicked Leone and she went flying into a few trees. Sheele attempted to get me with her Tenju but I dodged her attack and looked into her eyes. When that happened she collapsed and fell asleep. I turned to look at Akame and she was shaking.
"I want to show you something I was meaning to do a while back." I said.
She looked at me with fear in her eyes at what I might do. I clasped my hands together and focused my chakra to conjure up my Rinnegan. A red aura surrounded me and took the form of fire. The fire then took the shape of a god-like creature and made the same hand sign that I made. All of a sudden the area got darker by the second. Akame looked up and froze in fear even more. A moon sized rock came through the atmosphere and was headed for Akame.
Just then Leone came back and woke Sheele from her sleep. When they saw what was happening they ran to Akames side and planned out how they were going to stop it. Then Leone threw Akame and Sheele up to the falling rock, and jumped to join them. Sheele used her tenju to gut the giant rock in half while Akame cut it in smaller pieces. Then leone used all the strength she had to punch the air and made a shock wave to push the pieces elsewhere. When they landed they were excited and celebrated with joy. But I interrupted them.
"Well, well, well, it seems you have destroyed a moon. but what about the planet above your heads!" I yelled.
They all looked up and saw the planet sized object coming straight for them. They all looked scared that this might be the last day on earth for them when all of a sudden, the planet stopped in its tracks. It hung still motionless for a moment and slowly left the sky and back into space. They couldn't believe what was happening, they thought they were really going to die.
"You must not let your opponents' attacks frighten you in battle but I believe that for now that will never happen." I said.
They looked like they had seen a ghost and slowly turned to look at me with stunned eyes.
"How the hell did you do that?" asked Leone.
"I did that with the power of my Rennegan." I said.
I then reactivated my Rinnegan again to show them, they were surprised to see that these eyes could do something so god-like.
"I knew you could push things without touching them but that was a totally different level," said Akame.
Leone looked at Akame with confusion. I can't believe I forgot to tell everyone else what I can do with my Rinnegan with some more detail.
"What do you mean by that?" asked Leone.
I then explained what I could do exactly including healing people and saving someone from death with one of the six paths. Then, I explained how I got it and who gave it to me. But even the mystery man that gave me this power is unknown to me. I told them everything I knew from my death till now.
"Well , we're done for today. Wanna check up with the others?" I said.
"Sure," said Akame.
I went over to Kisame and helped him up and he used me for some support. I told him not to over do it because that meant I would have to save him. All five of us went into the woods to look for the others. As soon as I walked three steps into the wooded area, I could smell clay and ash. We kept walking until we stumbled upon the fight that was taking place. Lubbock and Mine were holding off Deidara and Sasori. But even with their tenju they couldn't keep up for long.
Mine was blasting through every puppet that was controlled by Sasori while Deidara kept making clay bombs. The fight seemed to be getting near to an end and I knew I might have to step in just in case. I watched as Lubbock cut the bombs while Mine took care of the puppets. But they don't realize that those two are good team mates, they had a trick up their sleeves and were ready to use them.
"Take this, Secret Red Technique: Performance Of A Hundred Puppets!" said Sasori.
"C2!" said Deidara.
Sasori conjured up more puppets than Mine could take out and Deidara was flying on a dragon and started spitting out smart bombs. I knew it went too far, so I stepped in and activated my Rinnegan and used the almighty push. The bombs and the puppets went flying and surprised Sasori and Deidara.
"What, we almost had them," said Sasori.
"Doesn't matter, we are here to train them. Not kill them." I said in rage.
The two of them stood still and didn't make a move, because I rarely get mad and yell. But when I do, I can be the devil himself. Even the Night raid members were shocked because it was their first time hearing me yell like that. I composed myself and calmed down before I lashed out.
"That's enough training for today, it's almost getting dark and me and Akame need to start dinner. Hopefully Tatsume and Bulat got back and are waiting for us." I said.
We walked back to the hideout but on the way it got a little embarrassing for me. Deidara was talking and he brought up the past and said how we made a theme song about our group and he recently rewrote his part and wanted to try and sing it with us. When everyone asked what type of song it is, he replied with rap. Everyone in Night Raid looked at me and couldn't believe that I could rap.
"You can rap?" asked Leone.
"Yes." I said.
"Could you rap for us?" said Sheele.
"When we get back to base, Deidara, Sasori and Kisami will help." I said.
When we got to the base, Najenda and Pain were still there planning for the trip. Tatsume was standing in a corner looking down, not saying a word. Bulat couldn't be found and that raised a question for me. Where is Bulat? When I approached Tatsumi, he was in tears.
"Tatsume, what happened? I asked.
He looked at me with his soaked eyes and hesitated to tell me, he looked like he was shaken up badly and was going through some type of trauma.
"Bulat is dead," he said in a shaky voice.
What had happened for Bulat to die, were the targets that powerful.
"He gave me his Tenju before he died, it is the last thing I have of a big bro." he said while crying again.
"Listen Tatsume, there will be a time when a member will fall but you mustn't let those feelings take over because it will cause your own downfall." I said.
We stood there for a few minutes until Leone pitched in.
"So Itachi, when are you and your friends going to sing for us?"
Pain, Najenda, and Tatsume looked at Leone, then looked at me.
"Itachi, what did you say?" asked Pain.
"I didn't say anything, Deidara did."
Pain looked at Deidara and sighed.
"Fine but it will be shorter than usual since not all of the akatsuki are here. Deidara, would you mind and start us off?
"Okay." said Deidara.

Take out mankind with a landmine
Cus I'm damn right and i can't die
I'm on a stand by use my hand signs on the sand tribe
Uploading Explosions
I'm owning and closing in the Kazekage
approaching, I'm goading 'em
Blowing them up sky high, Kamikaze
Detonation, Innovation
Ready and getting impatient
Causing the disintegrations
You bother me
Insult my pottery?
When your so shallow
Battle me
I'll mess your face up
Like a Pablo Picas*o
Art is an explosion
And I do it to the maximum
I never make mistakes
I keep making happy accidents
I'm sculpting my victory
Missing me
Clay clones
Can't catch me
This my ability
Delivery these injuries
Rolling with the Akatsuki
Sasori then chimed in.
Puppetry master
I can outclass* ya
Look at your body
I've achieved perfection
I'm immortal
Under planks and plaster
Marionettes are bringing you death
Watching you losing
Your breath
I can confess
One of the best
I'll be removing your head
Grandma chiyo
She ain't nothing but just a
Preachy hag
Don't be mad
I have had to grow up without
Mom and dad
Sakura stumbling
Never malfunctioning
Encompass*ing powers
Emerged forms
Think you can wander in
You will be suffering
Under the strength of the
Third lord
Then I came in and did my thing.
Everybody knows I'm the sickest
Itachi of the Sharingan
Foe's move in slow mo
Throw my shuriken
With both eyes closed
That's a low blow
Even Orochimaru wants my body
No Homo
You think it's funny when my bro is in a chokehold?
All I see is blood when I start the Mangekyo though
Thinking you can pierce
My armor
That's a Susano no
Take your whole fam
Me and Tobi kill em solo
Spitting this fireball
Kisame's water wall
This flow has more art
Then Deidara's entire hall
Thinking you know me
But this would've been my
You seeing double
And trying to fight them all
Sending these crows to you
Cuz you'll be dying while
I'll just be chilling
Your mind is gone
A Shinobi unseen
I don't like applause (Kisame)
Like that, Kisame responded and did his part.
Kisame of the Akatsuki
Hidden in mist I'm a monster
Jinchuuriki power now combined
With Samehada
Eat ya chakra yeah I'm flexing
Underwater sharkskin
A sword in hand
That makes me one of seven
I'm a menace and I'll kill for you
Cuz I like the pain
Arrange an as*as*ination
I'm making sure that your slain
I never wanted to leave em alive
But Itachi was holding me back
Swinging a sword that'll bite
When I slice
And you'll never be given a chance
Fight back but I know you can't
Don't got a plan but I'm sure I'll win
Akatsuki is my motivation
Holding the world in our hands
The sea not the land
You straight
I'm a slant
Hidden in mist
Unpredictable man
Never made friends
Killed all of them
If I had a chance
I'd do it again
Pain finished us off.
Bringing the pain
With my almighty push
Stepping to me then your gonna get shook
Making some noise in the village
I'm making a killing
Now everyone's bout to get shushed
(oh yeah)
Brought the starting 6
They are some crew
Did Jiraiya dirty
When his student can to
Jump you
Piercing on our face
Red hair
Yeah we are the squad
If your a believer
Then you might want to pray up to you god
Wanna see just what I'm all about
I'm about my peace
So the leaf if getting taken out
Ain't nobody gonna take out The Akatsuki
That's Jiraiya's Pupil
Oh he trained an Uzumaki?
Got me
Thinking that he's gonna catch
A fade on site
This will be your cemetery on this very fatal night

Everyone was astonished, especially since they realized I could rap really well and didn't tell them. Tatsume was still upset that Bulat died and could do nothing about it. I reapproached Tatsume and spoke to him.
"Why don't we make a grave for your fallen friend so when you're lonely, you can go there." I said.
"That sounds great." Tatsume said, wiping the tears away.
After dinner, me and Tatume made a grave for Bulat, and at the same time I made a memorial for my clan. Hopefully, they can hear me when I try to talk to them. Our worlds may be different, but we are the same. We both have experienced the pain of losing something dear. Maybe that's why me and Tatsume get along so well, we share the same pain.
That night when I laid down, I decided to write down important things about my abilities and use it as a reference so if I decided to teach someone ninjutsu. So far I wrote down facts about how they work and how to sustain them. I sat my book down and closed my eyes. But this time when I fell asleep, I dreamed of the time when I slaughtered my clan.

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