Chapter 1

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( all rights go to their respective owners throughout this story. I don't own anything.)

Why would you help the very village that did this to you? You may forgive the village but I can't."
"Reanimation Jutsu Release!"
I walked closer to Sasuke and held out my hand.
"There is still time, the night I left you. I did everything donzo and Tobi told you I did. I have always lied to you and asked for your forgiveness while keeping your distance. If I had come to you from the start, look straight into your eyes and tell you the truth. I wouldn't have to stand before you as a failure, you don't ever have to forgive me. And whatever you do here on out know this, i will love you always."
As I said this I began to see a lighter tone in my surroundings, seeming like I'm going to die again. I grabbed the back of Sasuke's head and our foreheads touched as I said this. These are my final words to him, but I hope Naruto will save Sasuke from his anger and hate for the village. I slowly slipped away from him and was rendered by the darkness once again. But suddenly, I heard a voice.
"Do you have any regrets, Itachi?" an unfamiliar voice had said.
I almost couldn't get the words out of my mouth.
"Yes, and I think I could have done better," I said.
The once floating darkness around me dissipated and was welcomed to a light area with a small tea table. Across from me was a man like being, all in white with gray skin. He had a horn out to the side of his forehead and his robe was covered in tomoes, three on each side.
"Well Itachi, there is another world that could use your assistance. They are dealing with what your world is dealing with, but worse. I want you to go there and help this group called Night Raid. From my understanding they are a rebellious group who want what's right for everyone."
I looked at him with a curious look and nodded to show that I understood.
"So Itachi, will you do it?"
It took me a while to answer, but with all my thinking I made up my mind.
"Yes, when do I start?"
"Well, you start now. But here is a parting gift."
He raised a hand and a red and purple ball of light made its way to me and touched my eyes. I could feel an overwhelming sense of strength in me.
" oh and you don't need to worry about that nasty illness that killed you in your lifetime."
With a wave of the stranger's hand, the light blinded me and I couldn't see anything. I woke up on the side of a river and the sounds of birds and wind around me filled my ears with a soft sensation. I slowly opened my eyes to the new world in which I was now a part of. I sat up and checked my body. I was wearing my Akatsuki robe and my old ambu armor from when I was still an officer. I crawled straight to the river and saw my reflection. I decided to activate my sharingan to see if I still could, and then my Mangekyou sharingan. But I was surprised to see that it had evolved to its eternal state, it curved forwards and bent at an angle and curved at the ends.
'"This must be the eternal state, this must be what that old man had given me." I said.
But then, I remembered the purple light. My eyes widened when I saw what happened next. I activated the rinnegan. Seems like he really wanted me to be extra prepared for the worst. With this power I will survive in this world. Then the next thing on my mind was Night Raid, I knew I had to find them. I looked to my left and saw that there was a kingdom ahead of me. But why would a rebellious group have a hideout in a kingdom if they are against them? So I looked to my right and there was an endless amount of trees. I was lost in thought when all of a sudden, my stomach started to growl at me.
"Food first, Night Raid later." I said.
I walked through the woods in search of food. Eventually I did, but it was until nightfall. I was perched on a tree limb when a wire caught the attention of my eyes. I tried to cut the wire with my kuni that I had with me along with other tools at my disposal. But the wire wouldn't cut, so I left it alone.
"Najenda, someone tripped one of my wires!" a green haired boy had said.
" It might be the imperial army coming to ambush us. Mine and Sheele, you two position yourselves to attack at long range. Sheele will assist you if needed. Akame and Leone you attack with full force. Bulat and Tatsume you will ambush. Lubbock, how many intruders are there?" said a woman with short white hair and an eye patch.
"Only one Najenda."
"Okay everybody prepare to attack."
Everyone nodded their heads in unison and pursued the intruder. Everyone was in position and ready. At the top of a cliff Mine and Shelle were watching the intruder.
"Why is he just standing there?" said Mine in confusion.
"Either way we must take him out," said Shelle.
"Fine by me."
Mine placed her finger on the trigger and waited for the right moment to shoot. As soon as she did, a beam of energy bursted and was aimed straight for me.
"Something is wrong, I'm being watched." I said to myself,
All of a sudden red lights went off in my head and told me to move. As I did, I barely missed the beam of energy. Damn, that was a close one. As soon as I landed I activated my sharingan. I looked at the one responsible for the attack and death stared at her.
"What the hell, how did he dodge that and how does he know where we are? Shelle, we need to go."
She turned around and saw me standing there and she could see the three tomoes swirling around and glowing red eyes.
"Attacks like that don't work on me, you need to try harder than that."
Shelle went for me and attempted to cut me in half. Luckily I jumped and landed and left a decent space between them. All of a sudden I got a sudden feeling that someone was behind me. I turned around to meet face to face with a huge armored man with a spear ready to slice me into pieces. I evaded the armored man easily but saw a few wires that were ready to slice me also. I threw a shuriken and set off the trap before it could do any damage to me.
I grew impatient and created a genjutsu and the three attackers were under it. Unable to move and shaking with fear.
"What is this, I can't move," said Mine.
"This is a genjutsu, I placed you under it so I could talk with you without you all trying to kill me." I said.
Then all at once I felt another presence. I turned around to meet a black haired girl with a sword with red scarlet eyes. But she wasn't alone. Next to her was a blonde with features of a lion. Her hands were paws and had a tail and ears. They attacked one at a time, but I knew the type of strategy that they were using. While one attacked head on and the other attacked in sequence after the first attack was a failure.
I was ready, I headed to the black haired girl and pulled out my katana and we met face to face. I saw that the blonde was coming and then my shadow clone came flying behind me with three kunais in his hands. He threw them at the blonde and this shocked everyone. The black haired girl jumped back and was standing next to the blonde. Then I forced my shadow clone to disperse and crows flew in the direction of the blonde.
At the same time I appeared in front of her and kicked her and she landed in a wall 300 feet away from us. I looked at the black haired girl and she was shocked with fear. I had my mangekyou sharingan activated and showed her the power of the tsukiyomi. She entered my world, clouds turned red and moved in reverse. She was strapped to a cross and was repeatedly stabbed by two of me.
"Time and space, I control them." I said
"Ugggh, nnnnh." She said in pain
" How long will it be until your soul gives in, I wonder."
"Who are you?"
"Only three days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 24 seconds left."
When I finished, she fell to her knees and gasped for air. I don't intend to kill them, so maybe this is where I will stop. Out of the corner of my eye I saw another wire. As fast as I could I jumped to dodge it a second time. But this time, I found who was producing them, as soon as I landed I grabbed the wire and pulled. A green haired boy came flying out of the bushes. Only to be put in a choke hold, and was begging for air. I'm not the one to kill and ask questions later. I dropped him and knelt towards him.
"Any idea where I can find Night Raid?" I said in a soft voice.
"You should know, you are fighting them right now." the green haired boy said.
"Oh, is that right?"
Our conversation was cut short due to one last fighter. But I put a stop to him as soon as he looked into my eyes.
"Demonic Illusion: Shackle Stakes!" I said loudly.
The boy stopped and couldn't move.
"What is this? What have you done?"
" It is a genjutsu enabled by the saimingan, or hypnotic eye ability of my sharingan. Anyone caught in the world of the mind created by the caster finds himself tormented by a feeling of having stakes driven into each of the four limbs and becomes completely unable to move freely."
"What are you talking about?"
"You'll see soon enough, by the way, where's your leader?"
"Normally the leader would wait at the hideout protected while the team takes care of the threats. I am no threat to any of you. You all simply attacked me. I defended myself. I also intend to join Night Raid, with my experience as a former anbu black ops officer and akatsuki member. I should be able to make the cut."
"So you're not with the imperial army?"
"Who's that?"
"Are you not from here?"
"no , I come from another land overseas. I came here for a better life."
"Then how do you know about us?"
"I met some merchants passing by hours ago and got some information about the area."
I released the boy from the genjutsu and his other friends. I helped up the green haired boy to his feet as well as the black haired girl. Within a flash I teleported in front of the blonde that was still recovering from the kick I gave her and picked her up. We were both now with the rest of Night Raid.
"If you are so kind, please take me to your leader." I said in a soft and loving voice.
Later when we were in the hideout, I was surrounded by all the members of Night Raid. I was face to face with the leader of Night Raid.
"Well, you sure are an incredible fighter, Itachi." Najenda said to me.
She was eyeing me in every part of my body, maybe even at my crotch. But I didn't allow myself to get flustered over that. I was trained to keep a straight face even when being tourchered to death. She reminded me of Kakashi back at home. She had white short hair and an eye patch to cover her left eye.
"Thank you." I said.
"So you want to help our cause, huh?"
Yes, I hear you want what's best for the people by killing the corrupted officials in the kingdom."
"That's right. We could definitely use someone as strong as you. You were able to put my entire team down easily."
"Why should we let this guy join us? He invaded our hideout and nearly killed us," said Mine.
"Because you need my abilities and power to overthrow the capital." I said.
She is someone that I should avoid most of the time. I can't handle hard headed brats like her. I soon learned the names of my new team. I also apologize for what happened earlier. I got to learn more about the capital and who was to blame for the corruption in the capital.
"Anyways, Lubbock. Show Itachi his room."
"Yes , Najenda."
Me and Lubbock walked to my new room and asked him a few questions.
"Lubbock, is it okay if I used some of your wires?"
"You'll see soon enough."
When we got to my room, he handed me some of his wires. I constructed a trap that will activate when you walk through it. I'm the only one who knows how to get around it without getting hurt. I stepped back and pulled out one of my kunai and handed it to him.
"What is this for?"
"Throw it."
As Lubbock threw the kunai it triggered the trap and more kunai came out in all directions and stopped the kunai in its tracks. I bent over to reset the trap, and looked at Lubbock.
"I don't like the idea of people coming into my room unexpectedly, so I set a trap that only I know how to get around."
"That's cool, can you show me how to do that for my room?"
"Sure, let me know tomorrow and I will help you. Also I will teach you how to be proficient with my kunai."
"Okay, but how good are you with them?"
A smile grew on my face. Only those who know me well know what that smile actually means.
"I'll show you tomorrow when your lessons start. But until then.."
I drew my hand and poked Lubbock's head with my index and middle finger.
"Wait til next time."
I entered my room leaving Lubbock in shock and closed the door behind me. I took my robe and armor off and set them to the side so I could look around and get comfortable in my new room. A few minutes later, someone was knocking on my door. I opened it to see who it was, to my surprise it was Leone.
"Looks like the cute new guy is my new neighbor." she said.
Oh no. I have dealt with people like her before. Looks like I'm gonna have fangirls now. Maybe we will become good friends but I'll have to keep an eye on her just in case.
"Hello Leone, how are you?"
"I'm good, I came to check up on you. Can I come in?"
"Well I'm in the middle of setting traps and I don't want you to set off the one for the door."
"Wait, WHAT?"
That night was followed by me explaining to one another what I was doing and how I didn't like the idea of someone coming into my room at night. I also told her that I would also explain my origins and my powers tomorrow. With that we said our good nights, and I went back to setting more traps just in case. As I was lying in bed, I remembered all the times when me and Sasuke had trained together. I wish I could go back to those times and relive that life. And fix my mistake.
I drifted off to sleep and the first thing I saw was sasuke with his innocent young eyes, not tainted with blood shed and hate and pain. The sasuke that I once destroyed.

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