When we woke up the next morning the light was very bright outside. We got up and continued outside. I spent some time finding the herbs I was looking for and planned to keep them in a safe place for later use. I saw Number 1 outside by the trees continuously throwing knives at different angles and patterns. He seemed to enjoy it as he further improved his skills. When I walked back inside to store the herbs I gathered I noticed Number 2. He was looking in the mirror and seemed upset. 

"What's wrong Number 2?" I asked as I walked by. 

He kept staring in the mirror for a short moment and then said "I want to look like that other guy." 

"The one from lunch yesterday?" I asked.

"Yes," he started. "but not just like him, I want to look better."

"Maybe I can help you." I said as I went to show him the book I was reading under the transformation section. 

"Is this real?" He asked. 

"I hope so, and even if it's not i'm still going to try it and believe that it is." He came downstairs with me to see the rest. I started picking up other books from the shelf. The one titled "Glamour Magick" kept standing out to me. I spent some time reading through it and it mostly read about manipulating energy, sometimes words or actions. It explained how to create specific outcomes from situations at will just through the use of words, thoughts, and sometimes images. 

"What is this?" Asked Number 1 loudly from upstairs. We walked up and met him in the strangest room yet. We stared at the metal compartments in the wall that faced into a curved surface. We sat in silence blinking for some time. Number 1 eventually grabbed the lower metal compartment and it turned at an angle raining down a stream of clear fluid.

"Wow." The three of us said in unison as we stared in amazement at the contraption. Number 2 held out his hand to feel the liquid.

"It's warm." He described. "I like it."

Number 1 did the same and felt the liquid. "It is warm." He said.

"I want to go in all the way." Said Number 2. 

"Try it." Number 1 shrugged his shoulders. 

Number 2 went to walk inside and I saw the bottom of his clothes stained with the liquid. "Wait!" I stopped him. "Take that off." I said in a hurry. 

"You're right." He said looking down at the clothes. He stripped down naked and walked in.

"How does it feel?" Asked Number 1 after a moment of observing the process.

"It feels even better this way." He replied.

"I want to try too." Number 1 said. 

"Me too." I agreed.

"Wait your turns we can't all fit." Number 2 said as he opened his mouth and bit lightly at the water. 

We took turns going in and re dressed ourselves. We then decided maybe it was time for school so we walked the short distance and when we arrived we were scolded. 

"You're late." Said the teacher. I didn't understand what she meant considering late meant night time and there was still so much light outside. 

"We just arrived." Said Number 1.

"You just got to school?" She asked and looked over at the clock on the wall. "It's almost 12."

It seemed to matter what this number was. We sat down when she finished speaking. I noticed a girl sitting nearby me. She had long beautiful hair that flowed almost halfway down her body. 

"How much longer until class is over? I'm starving." A boy across the room expressed.

"We only have another 10 minutes." Answered another boy next to him. 

Those numbers again. They planned everything around them. The numbers represented time, which they never seemed to have enough of.

"Can you help me with this part i'm stuck on?" Asked a student behind me to the girl next to me.

"I can't I don't have time." She replied.

How could she not have any? It seemed to be all they talked about. 

I continued to admire her hair. I wanted so much to have it. I knew I could not just have it immediately so I just imagined myself having that hair throughout the day. I envisioned myself with it and acted as if my hair was that long, it made me feel happy. I did not like the color of hers it was dark, and I enjoyed the light. I remembered the way I felt when I saw the color of the moon and decided that was what I wanted. I then remembered seeing the older man at the police station who had that exact color, I realized it was possible to obtain outside of my imagination and I told myself that is my hair color. 

We made it to school just before lunch and the three of us walked together to retrieve our food. 

"Should we ask them how they cook this?" asked Number 2 referring to his chicken sandwich. 

"No that would be suspicious." Responded Number 1. "They just know how to, we just have to observe." 

"There's that guy again." Said Number 2 looking straight ahead. He looked over at me and nudged at me whispering "do it now."

"Do what?" I asked.

"The herbs." He whispered. "Use them now, make me like him." He finished, grinning with enthusiasm.

"I don't think it works like that." I replied. He looked angry as he turned back to face the guy.

"Just imagine as if you're already like that." I told him. "Just visualize it and act like it." 

"Alright." He said closing his eyes for a moment. He stood up and approached the large boy. He stood over him and took his bread and walked away. The boy stood up and grabbed Number 2 taking the bread back and knocking him to the floor. Number 1 immediately got up to stand by Number 2 and help him. I knew this was my fault for what I told Number 2. I remembered what I read in the book about creating desired circumstances from undesired situations.

He doesn't want the bread. I thought to myself.

He doesn't want the bread.

I kept repeating this thought to myself while imagining the large boy backing away. After a short moment of glaring at one another the boy said "You know what, I don't even want the bread, i'm getting picked up early and going out to eat with my parents I don't want to ruin my appetite. Take it." He said handing Number 2 the bread before sitting back down. Number 1 and 2 walked back around sitting at our table looking confused. Number 2 looked at me and I smiled. 

"Was that the herbs?" He whispered. 

"No," I responded. "I think it was my thoughts." 

"Cool." He said smirking before he bit into the bread. "You're right Number 1, not worth the steal." 

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