c h a p t e r e l e v e n .

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from Poetry 1119, Mino Song

My mother told me it is too dangerous to hold you
But you are too beautiful
How can I just possibly pass you by
A single touch would suffice I swear

Hesitant steps, I made them towards you
While my heart couldn't stop its anticipation
My mind knew from the beginning of wanting to be near you
I am bound to get hurt, no doubt

You're alluring
And you're the shade of the deepest yet vibrant red I've ever seen
The wind blows
And a petal joins it as it travels away from you

I am almost there
Don't let any more petals fall
Hold them tight for me as you wait
My fingers are almost touching you

I smile in realization
And look at the blood, my own
And then the petals that fall down on my feet
Your beauty is just an illusion but your thorns are real

"I want to be with you again, Mino."

It was everything Mino wanted to hear. And it was from the only person he desired to hear it from. But he didn't think he will feel mixed emotions upon actually hearing it.

"Why doesn't it seem like you're happy to hear that?" Jinwoo caught on quick.

And he didn't know how to respond to that. "I just..." He panicked when he saw the look on Jinwoo's eyes. "I want to be with you too, Jinwoo. I want to be by your side always, forever, for as long as I can, for as long as you want me to."

Jinwoo smiled. "Okay." And he nodded. "Okay. Let's forget the past and start again."

Came night and Mino couldn't sleep. He didn't know what was happening to him. Something didn't feel right.

He got up from his bed and hurriedly sat behind his desk. He grabbed his notebook and pen and poured out all of his thoughts there.

His hand had a hard time matching the pace of his thoughts. His handwriting was so messy that night, he doubted he would understand what he wrote there himself.

And when he finished writing at almost three very early morning, he felt feather light.

He and Jinwoo will meet soon and everything that he wanted to tell him which he already realized by then, he will say it all.

"I knew it, I knew it," Jennie responded after Jinwoo told her he got back with Mino. They were at the bakeshop near Jennie's apartment and his too when he was staying in Korea. "So what are your plans now?"

"I have been thinking about the answer to that since last night. And I really wanna do it right this time."

"So we're going to see each other often now."

Jinwoo took a bite of his cheesecake. "We'll see about that. But what can you say about my decision?"

"It's been three years, you've been hurting for three years. How can I tell you not to accept him back when it's what will make you happy? As your friend, I want you to be happy. And I know that Mino loves you so much. What he did in the past is unacceptable and if he repeats that, I swear I'll never forgive him and I'll never let you forgive him too."

He felt touched at his friend's words. He didn't expect that from her, but he always knew Jennie is a friend for keeps. "Thanks, hon."

"You should stop calling Jinhwan any term of endearment though. I know your relationship is same as ours, but Mino's going to be jealous."

Falling Petals (songkim; completed)Where stories live. Discover now