p r o l o g u e .

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he traced the tattoo small as it is but very memorable, black and old, a mark that symbolizes his heartbreak

and his longing.


not a single day has gone without him feeling the void of his love's absence.

and that day, that faithful day, his heart would burst really,

and his heart, like any other day, will ache in regret.

it's what he cannot get over with apart from the love that seems to never run out.

maybe it was heaven's punishment for him.

and he thinks him not seeing his love for so long was the bigger punishment.

and now he sees him.


but what should he do?

can he claim his place back?

can he claim what was his back?

will the flower they both grew bloom one more time?

or will all its remaining petals just continue to fall...

Falling Petals (songkim; completed)Where stories live. Discover now