Accept it

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Red: I....... I was wrong. I truly was a terrible person. What have I done?

The entity slowly fades away into Sarah. Sarah closes her eyes and sits down....

Sarah: I'm sorry. I don't know if any of you can hear me, but I'm sorry. I was same person before I even entered place. I treated all of like dirt, and When it came down to it. He can't someone like me expected people who I've beaten down and called dogs. Were going to have my back. All I did was blame everyone, but myself. I've ruined all of your lives. Luther......I forgive you. I hope you can do the same for me.

Luther: I do. We all do. I owe you an apology, had I looked back. I would have seen you, but I didn't. I didn't hear anything. I can't change it now, but I can at least try to fix it. Let's go, Sarah. We can't stay here anymore longer.

Sarah: I know, it's just that. I feel empty.

Luther: I feel you. It has been a very time since I ate something.

Sarah: I'm not talking about food. You still haven't change one bit.

Sarah laughs at Luther's statement before disappearing.

I can't imagine, what false reality people would create in their heads to justify what their actions. Unfortunately, time is a flat circle. Rotating in an endless cycle. The same thing, will happen over and over again. Things like this will always happen. Hopefully, the cycle ends here. Lay your head to rest. You can finally wake from this nightmare. I don't know what goes beyond death, but there will be some form of peace there. As for me, I have to ensure stuff like this, don't happen to anyone else. Kyle, go easy on yourself. You carried many in your arms, now it's time for them to do the same for you.

A flame appears from the screen. Doctor opens the window in Thomas' room.

It's waiting for you.

Flame: How can I-

There's no need.

Flame: What is this.

Your soul. The flames shine bright. Like a star. It means Hope.... Well, this isn't the time to get philosophical. After all, your dead.

Flame: Yeah, that's still a hard pill to shallow.

Don't worry about, you would want a clear mind when you get there.

Flame: Do you know?

No I don't know what lays beyond death my friend. It's a mystery.

Flame: But your a demon?

I'm a hybrid. My mother was a human and my father was demon. That still makes me a human buddy. Even so, not even my father knew what was down there. You see when humans die, they don't go to heaven or hell. They end up somewhere else. That somewhere, I don't know.

Flame: That's scary.

Like I said, your worrying too much. I'm sure you'll end up somewhere safe. Just take care of yourself, and watch over your friend. He might want to kill Luther after he finds out that he wasn't the one talking to him.

Flame: I'll make sure he doesn't tear him in half.

Good, time to get going.

Flame: Rude

I have a shit ton of paper work to do, so pardon my mood.

Flame: Thank you.

Don't mention it

The flame shoots out of the window into the sky.

Would you look at that, a shooting star.

Athena: A star? That's what you see?

Doctor: Yeah, that's the point of a star. To shine bright, inspire others. Welp....... That's that. Time to go home.

Athena: Yeah, home. I think I would like that alot.


Caught in a Mousetrap OVA: MimicsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang