Chapter 8

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Christpho's POV

"What were you thinking man? You shouldn't have reacted like that especially with her." Demetrio lectured me while I sipped on some brandy. I didn't trust this bitch one bit, I don't know why but I felt she was up to something, I glance at Demetrio with the rim of the glass to my lips. "We did a background check on her, she's not in any mafia and even if she was,it would be impossible for her to communicate with them." He did make sense but... "The files say nothing about Dante having a kid, so how did we not know about her when he actually had one?"I articulate.

I wasn't gonna play dumb when it came to my mafia, I liked everything in order and everything in check the fact that they missed such sensitive information about Dante was highly erratic. No mistakes were made. But it happened and what are the chances that she's actually clean, and not of any gang or mafia, Dante is smart I'm sure he did all this for a very specific reason, maybe to infiltrate the mafia once more after being cast aside.

"I want Dante dead." Donny glanced at me with uncertainty and before he could speak up Russ did. "He's not a threat neither is Leilani." I rolled my eyes pouring myself another glass of brandy. Looks like I had to take things into my own hands. "She accidentally knocked the file over as she was leaving your office. She was there to keep this." Russ handed me a medium sized envelope which I placed aside. "Where's Vinny." I asked, "He's still with Leilani. He's not pleased." I sighed. Maybe I was wrong...

I walked into Kaele's room and Vinny sat right on the sofa. I hated this .... Vinny was raised differently from the rest of us, less violence and crime you know so he was quite sensitive to my way of violence he preferred gentler means. Even if I tried to explain shit about her he wouldn't get it. "She's really not that nice of a person." I said with caution. "Well if you treat her like trash obviously you'll receive trash in return." He smiled occasionally glancing at Kaele as he got up and walked towards me. "You can get out of my house, I'll find time to apologise to her."

"Maybe even take her to the Carter Gala." He said leaving the room but I didn't pay much attention.

I stood right by her bed watching her sleep. I've never slept as peacefully as I did last night, I don't know why but Kaele made me feel things. Things I couldn't comprehend, things I didn't want to feel.

She just does something to me.

She rustled around a bit, her eyelids slowly peeled back revealing her nut brown irises, her brown skin seemed paler than usual and she stared at me with nothing but emptiness in her eyes. She rose and started to move back trying to get away from me. "Kaele..." I moved forward.

Her eyes filled with tears that never fell. "Kaele..." She tossed the covers off her body and ran into the bathroom closing the door shut while I stood at the other side of it. Did I really hurt her that much?

Leilani's POV

He came forward and I moved back throwing the covers off me I pushed myself of the bed and ran into the bathroom while he followed and I slammed the door shut leaving him on the other side. I slid down to the bottom of the door and just cried but I made sure he never heard.

I don't know why but what he did today just hurt me immensely, I trusted he could never hurt me I don't know why but he did. Why do I always trust the wrong people.

I whimpered a little as I cried but held my voice back with a hand to my lips. I just wish he was different, normal then maybe being with him wouldn't be so hard.

As of now I knew what to expect from all this, and that was death, that became my fate the moment I came here and maybe I want that maybe if I die I won't be hurt any more.

I opened the door slightly and peaked out. He was gone.

How egotistial ....who the hell leaves before they even apologise. I shook my head coming out of the room. Whatever it's not like I needed him to apologise he has too big of an ego to say a simple sorry.

I was alone once more, Lucciano's workers had left it was just the guards. I used this time to actually check this place out. It was actually better than I imagined with beautifully decorated patio and garden, a large pool area and the Forest around just added to the peace and tranquillity. I stayed out till it got dark and cold and it was time to get back in.

I made myself some coffee and made my way to the living room only stopping at the sight of Lucciano. All in silence I placed my cup down, went back to the kitchen and made Lucciano a sugarless espresso. I gave it to him, picked up my glass and went back to the garden. I felt suffocated in there with him, I felt like I just needed to get away otherwise I would just break down and cry.

I sat around the fire and after some time he too was out, he took his suit jacket off and rolled up his sleeves. I almost didn't wanna look at him. But he sat down right next to me and this made me cringe a little so I moved creating some distance between us. He didn't seem to mind.

We sipped our hot cups of coffee in silence the tension slowly began to fade and I felt comfortable.

My mind went back to that file, should I maybe tell him about it? There could be many consequences if he just so happened to find out that she was my mother, but how does he know her what does she have to do with any of this? Was he maybe responsible for..."You seem lost Kaele. What's wrong?" He snapped me out of my train of thoughts. "N-nothing.." He arched an eyebrow, his gaze fixed on me but I looked away awkwardly

Why does he always do this..."I'll be attending a gala tomorrow, you'll be accompanying me." He rose and started to walk away. "No, I-I can't go." I choked. "I didn't ask and said you will." And just like that he vanshied into the house. I groaned dropping my head, "this man is impossible."


I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far.... )

And Please tell me what you think of it...... It would really help.  :-) and yeah the picture up there of of the garden......

Anyways here's a meme.... A Lil reward for completing the chapter 

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