Chapter 2

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"Who are you?" His deep, husky voice echoed through my ears as I tried to have him let go of my hair. My feet got pierced by the shards of glass and I had my hands wrapped around his arm, with the other he pointed a gun. I cursed lightly, shutting my eyes tightly. There was no telling what this phyco would do.

I managed to pull myself away, and I could swear he pulled out some of my hair. I ran from him and he came after me in strides. I picked up whatever I could and threw it at him but missed.

Shit..... probably the worst decision I could have made. Anger was clearly visible on his face. At this point I ran like a mad girl and then hit into a hard thing. I looked up and it was him...... The man from yesterday. I ran behind him and used him as a shield. "That psychopath is trying to kill me!" I shouted, panting. The men stood in front of each other. The psycho carried a questioning look. "Who the fuck is she and what is she doing in my house?" His house...... Normal people first ask questions but Nooo he first shoots.

The man sighed, "She's Dante's daughter, she's payment for his debt. Stand down" I only just realised the men that stood around us as they put there guns down and stood aside.

They were all out to kill me........ What the hell did my dad get me into? I ran up stairs to 'my' room, shutting the door with my back against it. I looked down at my feet and they bled, my arms and hands only partially scared.

What the hell is all this who are these people and..... I would have died today. I was surrounded by strangers in a place that seemed to embedded deep within the forest. I with much struggle walked to the window and looked out, a gated mansion, isolated. Away from the city and actual people.

I was scared. I felt a sudden sting, I had to get my feet treated. I slumped down onto the bed keeping my feet off the ground. Then the door burst open and about three men in black walked in with another one in a Dark blue suit. I jumped off my bed and one of them walked up to me and pushed me back onto the bed. My breath hitched. "What do you think you're doing?!" The second hand cuffed me to the headboard and gagged me. I twisted and turned around producing muffled cries for help. My eyes flooded with tears. Two of the men stood back while the other held me down. And the man in the suit moved forward, he had something in his hands a syringe.

No No No........ "mmmm! mmmm!" Was all I could produce as he bent over and wiped my arm with a damp bud. "mmmm!" I cried out.....No!... as he pushed the needle into my skin.

He pulled it out and I stared at his blurry image through my tears as I slowly lost my energy. I grew weaker and weaker, I blinked a couple of times as my eyelids grew heavy. His outfit now changed to white, he slipped on some latex gloves as he stared down at me until...... I lost consciousness.

My eyelids peeled open and I stared at the ceiling. Everything slowly came back to me and I shot up abruptly. I ran my hand by my chest, my cloths were still on. They didn't do anything to me. I turned the lights on and got out of bed... my feet were bandaged. Not the slightest bit of pain. I did a few stretches just to confirm and I was untouched.

I walked to the window, or large glass wall ..whatever. For how long was I out? It was night time and man did this place creep me out.

I went over to the door and it was locked. There was no way I was gonna ever leave this place.

I sat on the bed and god was I hungry. I stared down at the blurry image my tear filled eyes created as I stared down at my hands. He really didn't care for me did he? My train of thoughts was cut short when I noticed a little stitch on my right arm. I did not have this when I got here, did those men do this to me?

Why did they do this, what the hell did they put in me. I ran my finger on it. I really wanted to plough it open..... toxic trait of mine.... but I was distracted by the sound of a key turning. The door... It opened and a middle aged lady in a maid's uniform walked in with a plate of food. "Here you go!" She placed the food on the table. "Eat that, I'll be here to collect the plate once you're done."

"Where am I?" I asked sternly.

"You're in a room miss Kaele." She knew my name? I rolled my eyes.

"I know I'm in a room but where the hell is this place? Why are we in the woods? And why did..."

That man.

"Just eat your food." She walked go the door, when I quickly got up and pulled her back into the room. "What are you doing?!" I pushed her away and ran out of the room slamming the door shut and locking it. I let out a sigh of relief but who knew what was in store for me..... but first.....

After finding my way, I ran down stairs and immediately spotted that man seated alone at the dinning table. I walked up to him, grabbed a glass of water right from the table and splashed it on him..

Guns were immediately pointed at me from all angles as he slowly rose from his seat dismissing his men. I tried to moved back but he put his hand at my throat, he kept a calm expression, but his actions said otherwise. I tried my best to rip his hands off my neck but he wasn't gonna budge.. I inhaled deeply trying to catch my breath when he let go of me and his maids caught me up, one of them being the one I locked up. "Do I have to teach you all how to do your job?" The ladies handed me over to a large muscular man who without even trying dragged me to my room. He threw me onto the bed and stepped out when the maid from before walked in... "You should know better than to mess with the mafia boss_" Mafia? My eyes widened..What the hell?! "Now eat your food and please behave...You wouldn't want to be shot dead now would you?" She smirked wickedly...she saw the shock on my face. She left and I was left to wallow in pain and disbelief....

I was traded in to a mafia!

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