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This baby is starting to pick up steam now! We finally are about to get to see some interactions between the two and I can't lie, I'm crazy excited to see what y'all think. Comment/ vote/ all that jazz!

Also the fluff will be starting next chapter which is Chapter 3: part 2 so get ready 😜 Also I added some mood music for this chapter, its heavy yearning and teasing which, honestly is just foreplay before the two get to the main event 😏 ENJOY!

~ Chapter 3 ~


Sasuke was in a shitty mood. He stood inside the coffee shop bright and early on a Saturday morning. It was much too early for his taste, after being laughed out the door at the family dinner the night before. His face was in a neutral expression but inside he was exhausted.

Leaning onto the counters, not at all amused that last night, while he was at said stupid dinner, he received a call from his manager. When he first saw the call come in, he was tempted to not answer thinking he was about to get fired. Instead Tsunade, the shop's owner and manager was simply calling to inform Sasuke of his new schedule change. Which meant that instead of working his usually midday rush on Saturday's, he was working the opening shift as the front cashier.


He thought sarcastically as a slight pout formed as he put on his work apron. He was so ready to get this day over and done with. He did the usual morning routine, opening up the shop with his annoying coworker Suigetsu. His aimless chatter and his stupid little shark boy fang on one side, motivated Sasuke to work quickly.

The day started like all days, slow and easy. It seemed working at a boochie, overpriced coffee shop had its perks, because it catered to a limited and very specific crowd. Sasuke spent the morning dodging his coworker's teasing and comments, but that soon got old.

I guess shark boy and lava girl are getting bored with me.

Sasuke thought with a small cocky smirk, when he saw his two coworkers, Suigetsu and Karin, in the corner of the work station conversing instead of bothering him. He didn't mind though, because a few early morning mom's and a slew of business students rushing in for their Saturday morning pick-me-ups kept him busy, making the day move a lot faster. Before he knew it, he had been there for 2 hours, not even glancing at the clock once.

My feet are killing me.

He thought as he started to untie the strings of his apron as the bell sounded, halting him in place, Sasuke could feel himself huff in annoyance.

Great.... I guess my break can wait.

Turning around swiftly trying to mask his annoyance with a pleasant enough greeting, he choked loudly as the words died in his throat.

Oh my kami

Sasuke could feel the color drain from his face as he saw that blond hair and blue eyes that had been haunting him for the last month, especially the last few days. Coming into full focus, their eyes met as Sasuke took a deep breath, filling his lungs to put a halt on the pending panic attack.

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