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One year later

"Where are you taking me?" I asked Reed as he held my hand, tugging me along the sidewalk.

"It's a surprise."

"Well, the blindfold kind of gave me that clue." I laughed.

"Okay, Mrs. Sawyer." He kissed my cheek as he pulled the blindfold off. I blinked my eyes open to see that we were standing in front of brew.

"What are we doing?" I asked him, looking up at his handsome face. We'd been married a few months, and I still couldn't get used to calling him, my Husband. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. He placed his hand on the small of my back, leading me inside, where all our friends and family started cheering in surprise. "Reed?!" I could feel the tears flowing down my face as I took in the scene. The coffee shop was obviously closed to just us and in the middle were a few copies of my book, a large cake, and snacks.

"Congratulations, baby." He leaned down, kissing my lips softly. "I'm so proud of you."

When we parted, Brynn, Lilah, Lizzie, and Amy wrapped me in their arms. They acted as if we hadn't just seen them at the wedding a few months ago!

"What is everyone doing here?!" I questioned in amazement. I watched as Reed walked over to Tate and Bennett, talking with them casually. Allen and Gemma carried out a tray of drinks as a few of our other friends milled about.

"We had to celebrate you! We are all so proud of you!!" Lilah squealed, hugging me again.

"You guys are too good to me." I wiped away more tears. My heart was so full. I grabbed Brynn and pulled her in, knowing she must have been behind this idea with Reed.

"You wrote a damn book that's pretty amazing and worthy of a celebration! Not to mention we haven't had time to get together since your wedding!" She pouted.

"I know. I should've skipped the honeymoon and hung out with you instead." I teased.

"I hope you made some beautiful babies on that honeymoon." She nudged me with a wink.

"Ewww." Amy and Lizzie both groaned at the same time.

"Sorry, girls." Brynn shrugged. "How ya feeling, kiddo?"

"I'm good. The Doctor says I can do yearly check-ups for a bit, and then I'll be all clear." She beamed.

"Hey! Can I have everyone's attention?" Reed called out, clanking silverware against his glass. We all turned to see him looking sexy as hell in his suit jacket and dark jeans; he had a little stubble growing that I was starting to enjoy. I smiled at him from across the room, and he motioned for me to come over. Even though he just wanted me to come over to him, the motion made me shiver, thinking about our nighttime activities. Marriage hadn't slowed that down; it may have increased the desire.

"Thank you all for coming. My beautiful wife here has worked so hard. She's incredibly selfless, and I know she would never think about bragging on herself, so I made sure to put this together so we can do it for her."

I felt my cheeks flush with his words, and I instantly felt tears prick at my eyes, thinking about how so many people who loved me filled the room. I never imagined my life to be how it is now, and I was overcome with gratitude as Reed spoke more about me and the book I had worked so hard to publish. Everyone clapped and cheered then we all began to celebrate together.

"I heard you were moving into your own apartment," Reed spoke to Bennett as we sat around a small table.

"Yeah, it's time." He looked nervously across the room at Gemma. They had an on and off again relationship that no one truly understood. "Did you hear about Nick?" Bennett asked, changing the subject purposefully.

"No," Reed growled, not wanting to speak about him.

"You'll enjoy this." He laughed. "Hugh said the architect firm fired him when they got wind of that whole article bullshit."

"Good. That's the least of what he deserves."

"That's not all," Bennett smirked. "The outlet that took the information from him and Glenn, they filed some kind of suit against him and Glenn. I'm not sure about details, but Nick sold his place and moved back to California to his parents."

"Wow," I remarked, shocked to hear how much the entire situation had affected his life. I wasn't sure how I felt about it all, but I was glad I wouldn't have to run into him again.

"You okay?" Reed whispered in my ear; I nodded with a smile. I was absolutely okay. I had made closure with all of that turmoil. I suppose this was the icing on the cake, hearing the repercussions Nick had to face.

About a month after our wedding, I received a packet of papers in the mail. They were from the donor coordinator, who handled everything relating to the stem cell donation for June. The papers were just random documents, most of which would go through the shredder or be stored away. The last piece was an envelope which included a handwritten letter. It appeared to be a response to the letter I had written to Glenn and June. It was short and simple.

After this, I will respect your wishes.

I am not worthy of such an amazing gift, and there are not enough Thank yous in the world.

Glenn was wrong, what he did was wrong, and I need you to know I had no part in that. He will receive his punishment.

I may have been a disappointment to my parents, but I can guarantee that you more than made up for that. You are a wonderful woman, and I wish you nothing but the best in life.


The note didn't hurt me, it didn't make me happy, but it provided simple closure that I think I needed. I had no desire to speak to or see them again, and I said as much in the letter I had written, but I didn't realize that an acknowledgment of everything was something I had needed. So now, finally, a few months later, I got closure from Nick, and life couldn't be better.

"Eden! Reed!" Marie called out, waving us over to where they had all gathered.

We stood and made our way over as she directed everyone on where to stand and how to pose. Then, she thrust a copy of my book into my hands and had me stand in front of everyone. Marie set the camera up and quickly ran back so she would also be in the picture.

I locked eyes with Reed, my whole body reacting to his handsome face. The face I was fortunate to wake up next to every day for the rest of my life. The look filled my thoughts and dreams in a way I never imagined another person would. He smiled at me, giving me a quick little wink as he wrapped his arm around Lizzie, pulling her closer to him.

"Okay, be ready!!" Marie squealed.

Just as the camera was about to shutter, I smiled wide with a laugh.

"Hey, everyone!" I took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant!!"

So Much More (Book One in the Enough Series)Where stories live. Discover now