8. Breakfast

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"Ok, what the fuck was that?" Brynn grabbed my arm as we walked out of the restaurant.

"What do you mean?"

"The bathroom freak out! What was that about?" She demanded as we walked to the parking lot. "You and your guy there, you both were like deer in headlights or something."

"I was just overwhelmed. It's all very new, and all of a sudden, we're having like a group date or something. I just needed a moment. Everything is fine. It was fine once I came back out." I assured her as we climbed into her car.

"He's pretty fucking hot." She blurted with a laugh.

"Brynn!!" I squealed.

"His friends are hot too. Look at us, all these hot guys surrounding us." She wiggled in her seat, a little dance as we pulled away.

Brynn and I rode along, chattering about her plans while Tate was out of town and stopping by the bakery to get our usual cinnamon rolls. We made it back to the apartment, immediately throwing on our sweats. We grabbed blankets, popcorn, our rolls, and drinks, then piled up in the living room the way we had done so many times before. Brynn picked a movie, and it wasn't long before we both were falling into a food coma.

I woke up sometime in the early morning with a knock at the door. I jumped up, brushing food crumbs from my face. I stepped over the blankets on the floor, noting that Brynn was no longer in the living room. As I made my way, the knocks grew louder and faster.

"I'm coming, sheesh!" I grumbled. I attempted to straighten my frumpy mess and then pulled the door open.

"I couldn't get to my keys." Tate juggled a box along with two bags of luggage.

"Here." I grabbed the bakery box from him, holding the door as he entered. "Why are you here so early?" I yawned.

"My trip got pushed up, and I wanted to see Brynn before leaving." Tate scooted his bags over by the door. "Is she up? Nevermind. I know the answer to that." He laughed, both of us knowing that Brynn was not a morning person even in the slightest. "Well, I brought some pastries; I'll get some coffee going. I haven't heard much about your blind date, but Brynn says it went well." Tate headed into the kitchen area, pulling mugs down as I opened the pastry box, seeing what goodies he brought.

"It went well, and it's still going." I smiled to myself. "We're supposed to hang out today, actually."

"That's good. I mean, in all honesty, I wasn't sure he'd be a great guy. I was just trying to appease Brynn." Tate admitted turning to me. It felt strange because the Reed that I had come to know definitely didn't come off as someone who wouldn't give off the good guy vibe.

"I'm not sure how to take that." I scoffed, taking the mug full of hot energy from his giving hand.

"Coffee, pastries, and my two favorite people! Did I die?!" Brynn teased as she came into the room, interrupting our conversation.

"Hey, baby." Tate cooed, taking her into his arms and giving her a sweet kiss. "My trip got pushed up and I have to leave first thing in the morning." He pouted, leaning back from her.

"I'll leave you two, thanks for the goodies and the coffee. I'm going to go enjoy this in my bed."

They were so wrapped up in each other, that they simply nodded as I head down the hall toward my room. I sat on the edge of the bed, eating the small muffin I took and sipping the coffee. It was barely seven in the morning. I pulled my phone out just to see if there was any activity and there was a message waiting for me, from Reed.

Good Morning. Is it too early to start our day together? You're probably still asleep. I hope I didn't wake you. Forget this text. Just text me when you're awake.

I laughed a little at how cute he was being. Like all of his other texts, so sweet.

I actually just woke up. Enjoying coffee and a muffin while in bed still. I sent the message along with a picture of my treats.

I've never been jealous of a muffin before now. Wanna do a real breakfast? I've also never taken a lady to breakfast before.

I couldn't help the smile on my face at the thought of seeing Reed as soon as possible. I replied and made plans for him to pick me up. I rolled out of bed and started the process of getting ready, then hopefully, a day together as planned. I showered, primped, and pampered, making sure I was as polished as possible.

"Where are you off to?" Brynn asked from her snuggled spot with Tate on the sofa.

"I'm off to spend the day with Reed." I smiled.

"Who's Reed?" Tate asked.

"What?" Brynn looked at him, confused. "You set her up with him!" She squealed.

"I swear his name was Nick." He scratched at his head. "Reed? I'll have to do better to remember that, eh?" He laughed uneasily. I couldn't help the uneasy feeling in my own stomach at his confusion.

"Ignore him; he's losing it in his old age." Brynn smacked at his chest. "You look beautiful!"

"Thank you. You two have a fun day, and I will see you later." I sang, grabbing my purse and keys.

I drove along to our meeting destination, a diner Reed suggested for our meal. I walked up the sidewalk slowly, nervously eyeing the lot for Reed. Not seeing him, I stepped inside, and the hostess immediately greeted me.

"How many?" She asked.

"Oh, I'm meeting someone," I spoke, scanning the diner for his light brown head of hair. She nodded, placing the menu back into her stand. I went to turn around to sit on the waiting bench, and when I did, Reed was entering the door. I could feel the smile taking over my face without even trying. His tall frame was dressed in a grey long sleeve shirt that clung to his muscular body and a pair of athletic shorts. The light brown hair of his was sticking up in every direction, and the smile he returned was melting my heart more than I wanted to admit.

"Hi." He greeted in that deep, husky voice of his.

"Hey." I managed to squeak out.

The hostess was looking Reed up and down, eye fucking him. I had to clear my throat to get her attention again before she managed to seat us. Of course, she made sure to let Reed know if he needed anything to call her. I didn't blame her, he was gorgeous, but it was a little shameless to behave that way in front of me. I looked down at my plain blue blouse and jeans. Did I look like I was someone who would be with Reed? Maybe she assumed I was just a friend or a family member. My insecurities were trying to take over.

"Thank you for meeting me," Reed spoke, breaking my thoughts. "You look amazing."

"You look pretty good yourself."  He smiled across the table at me.

"I'm sorry about last night, it was kind of awkward at first, yea?"  Reed spoke softly. I nodded with a half smile, not wanting to give away any emotion.

"A little bit, it was a nice surprise though." I replied with a shrug. 

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