65. Forever

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"So, we're all having dinner at your place on Christmas?" Bennett asked as we sat in the pub, sipping beer and waiting for some of the other guys to show up.

"That's the plan, at least. Lizzie is still in isolation, so we're just celebrating together later. Obviously, you know Eden doesn't have family." I took a pull from the IPA. "Tate and Brynn are heading to Oregon to see family, so we'll miss them."

"Speak of the devil, and he shall appear." Tate laughed, greeting us with the typical bro hug. "I know you will miss us; we're the life of the party." He teased, signaling the bartender.

"Did you just call yourself the devil?" Bennett teased.

"We'll be back on the twenty-seventh." Tate ignored Bennett's tease. "Bachelor party on the twenty-eighth and then the wedding." He sat back with a content sigh.

"I can't believe you're getting married on New Year's Eve. That's super annoying." One of Tate's friends commented as he arrived.

"What Brynn wants, Brynn gets." He sang in response.

"Nervous?" I asked, curious about how he was feeling about the upcoming date. I'd never entertained the idea of marriage before, although it had been on my mind quite a lot lately.

Tate smiled so wide, his eyes lighting up. "Of course not, she makes me ridiculously happy, and now I get to call her my wife and spend the rest of my life with her."



"That's just... It's just... awesome for you, man." Bennett seemed uncomfortable and anxious during the conversation. I raised a questioning brow at him, but he shook it off.

We finished our evening of beers and bullshit, a term Brynn had deemed our hanging out at the pub whenever we had some downtime. She wasn't wrong; that's pretty much what we did. After I left the guys, I made my way back to the apartment. I walked along the three-block trek, my mind swirling with so many thoughts.

I'd been thinking about marriage with Eden ever since the afternoon a few weeks ago when she teased about having picked out a wedding dress. I knew she was playing, and I didn't feel any pressure from her, but when I asked her if she wanted to be Mrs. Sawyer, something inside me switched. Now, my thoughts were about calling her my wife, seeing her coming down an aisle, and a honeymoon. I felt like such a schmuck, but it was all-consuming.

"Hey," I spoke.

"What's up, son?" Dad answered as I sat down on a nearby bench to gather my thoughts.

"I think I want to ask Eden to marry me." I blurted. It felt a bit freeing to say the words out loud. But unfortunately, all I got in return was silence, which did not help my anxious feeling. "Dad?"

"I'm here. I was waiting for you to say more. Do you have a question? I'm confused." His voice seemed laced with humor which slightly irritated me.

"I don't know!" I whined, tugging at my hair. "She doesn't have a Father for me to ask permission, and I don't know if I should; I mean, are we too young? I don't know. What if she says no?"

"He's freaking out." I heard Marie speak.

"Totally lost it." Amy chimed in.

"Am I on speaker?!" I cried out.

"Sorry, son, should've warned ya." Dad chuckled.

"Jesus, yes, you should have."

"We're all in agreement here, Reed; you should've asked her months ago. So, get a ring and do it. Have someone record it for us or at least get some good pictures." Marie quipped.

"Really?" I choked out.

"Quit being a baby; ask her, sheesh," Amy grumbled, causing me to laugh. I suppose I had my answer. Everyone else seemed to know what I should have, that Eden was meant to be my wife.


"C'mon! It's Christmas!" I tickled Eden in the early hours of Christmas morning. She was sound asleep and not ready to be awake just yet.

"Reed, babe, we can wake up and open presents any time." She laughed softly. "I'm warm and cozy." She grumbled into the blanket.

"I want to open presents." I kissed down her arm, rubbing her and urging her to wake up. But, on the inside, I was a ball of nervous energy. Finally, she rolled over to face me, her eyes still closed, those long lashes resting on her cheeks. "It's our first Christmas together; I'm excited."

Her eyes immediately fluttered open, and she smiled up at me. Eden was gorgeous, the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen in every situation.

"You're so cute." She whispered out, reaching up to stroke my face. "You do know Santa isn't real, and I bought all of the presents under that tree, right?"

"Ha. Ha. You think you're funny, eh?" I peppered her face with kisses before capturing her lips with mine.

"Okay. Let's do this, Mr. Impatient." Eden pulled back from the kiss, moving to get out of bed. I had to hurry to do my part in my whole setup. As soon as she sat up and stood, I jumped up, excusing myself to the restroom. She mumbled something about me being worse than a kid. I smiled as I rushed into the bathroom, pulling open the vanity drawer.

"REED!" I could hear her calling out to me, knowing she must have seen my prep work.

I threw on a t-shirt with my sweats, grabbing the velvet box before shoving it into my pocket. I took a deep breath and headed out to the living room. When I rounded the corner, I saw her standing next to the small cafe table I had set up with the number seven hanging above it. I silently thanked Gemma for helping me find a coffee shop open this morning, and on the table sat Eden's favorite concoction.

Ideally, I would have taken her to Brew and recreated the whole thing there, but no amount of bribery would convince the owner to let me utilize the building on Christmas morning. I couldn't blame him, and I didn't want to keep him from his loved ones either, so we agreed to let me borrow one table and a set of chairs. Gemma found a coffee shop that would be open, and I planned it all out. Now, I just needed her to say yes and not think I was absolutely crazy.

"What is this?" She asked, gesturing to the table. "We already have a dining table, and this is more of a patio or cafe-type table." She looked adorably confused and must not have noticed the drink or the number hanging above the table.

"It's a frappuccino." I nodded toward the cup. She looked over, picked it up, then turned to look at me.

"You got this for me?" She asked sweetly. "I'm so confused." She giggled before taking a sip.

"Look up," I smirked, fighting the shakiness in my voice. I watched as she slowly looked above the table and spotted the sign. I could see her eyes close and then open slowly as she looked back down at the table and then over to me as I kneeled in front of her. 

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