28. Brew Again

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"Why are you so nervous?" Brynn laughed as she stood in the kitchen, working on dinner for her and Tate. I was busy pacing back and forth from the dining area to the living room.

"This is our first official date as a couple." I managed to get out as I nibbled on my fingernails.

"You look gorgeous as usual; he already is head over heels for you, and you guys have already weathered the storm; I think it'll be fine." Brynn teased as she stepped toward me, giving me a quick hug. "So, where ya going? What's the plan?" She smiled.

"He texted me, and I'm to meet him at Brew, the same table as the blind date." I paused, waiting for her reaction.

"Okay, why?" She raised a brow, giving me a questioning look.

"A date do-over." I chuckled.

"Interesting." Brynn hummed as she returned to the kitchen, stirring something on the stovetop.

"You look lovely." Tate complimented as he came down the hall with a smile.

"Thank you. I suppose I should head out. You two have fun!" I sang.

"YOU have fun!" Brynn laughed.


Once I found a parking space, I made my way to Brew. I was wearing a burgundy cocktail dress and my hair down in waves. I tried to polish myself up nice for our date do-over. It sounded cheesy as hell, but I had to admit it was an adorable idea.

"Are we doing this again?" Gemma asked as I made my way to table seven.

"It's a do-over." I corrected.

"So you made up with the guy? You look hot as hell, by the way." She winked.

"Yes. We talked, and he planned this." I settled into my seat as she stood next to the table.

"Good! Now relax! Stop overthinking it and have fun, girl!" She patted my hand on the table before scurrying back to her place at the register.

I pulled my phone out to double-check I was on time and that none of the plans had changed. I had a text from Brynn telling me to have fun and let loose with a wink emoji. I smiled at her message, putting my phone back into my bag as I heard the chair scoot in front of me. My whole body tingled with nerves and excitement at that sound.

"Is this table seven?" I heard his deep voice ask politely. I looked up slowly to see Reed with the most adorable smile looking down at me. He was dressed in a grey button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His hair was sticking up all over, in the usual way, and he wore black pants. He was delicious as usual. I couldn't help but stare up at him, admiring the hazel eyes that stared back at me.

"Uh, yes. Yes, it is."

"Great. I'm Reed. Reed Sawyer." He extended his hand to mine. I happily accepted, holding tight to it, reveling in the simple touch.

"Eden Gray." I indulged him as he requested.

He nodded toward my seat, waiting for me to return to it before he sat across from me.

"I've been counting the minutes until this date; you look absolutely stunning." He smiled. I couldn't help the school girl giggle that followed his compliment.

"Thank you. You look pretty good yourself." I replied as Gemma popped over, all too happy to take our beverage order.

"Good evening." She sang. "Can I get you two anything?"

I rolled my eyes at her obvious nosing around.

"Reed, this is my friend Gemma. Gemma, this is my friend Reed." I introduced the two. Reed stood, extending his hand and introducing himself properly. She looked over at me with a wink as she shook his hand.

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