SS - The Logic Of A Genius - Sakayanagi Arisu

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It's really hard to believe i can talk directly to not only one, but two masterpieces of White Room.

More than that, i'm their friend.

Let's head back to 9 years ago.




- What is it Arisu ? It's rare to see you this interested.

My father, picked me up in his arms, asked.

- This is an experiment to artificially create a genius. There's no way i can't find it interesting.

- That's absolutely not a childlike way of speaking, don't you think so Arisu ?

He smiles perplexedly.

As my father said, anyone successfully go through the curriculum of White Room will eventually become the elite that can surpass any alive genius in this world.

But at that moment, i didn't believe it yet. I'm in doubt. So my father carried me here.

- What can i say... this school... no, this experiment seems to have a lot of troublesome element about this.

- Which means ?

- It seems to be attacked from all sides regarding the humanity of it.

My father laughs immediately.

The moment people are born into this world, the very moment they receive life, their potential is set in stone. That's a rule of human world. They just can't do anything over what is carved into their DNA. And to awake that, they can receive it from the ancestors or by a sudden mutation. In other words, if you want to create a genius, you must interfere it from the DNA stage.

But that's just for normal environments. And i'm not sure if somewhere considered "special" as White Room can break that barrier. And soon, i was proved wrong at some extent.

- They... seem to have solved all the challenges calmly and without any difficulties for a while now.

A blond hair girl and a brown hair boy are playing chess, against everyone in that room, and win. As for clearing the challenges given to them, all the children reflected in our eyes had cleared them. However, they accomplished the challenges desperately and with all their concentration. It's very obvious, whether it would be studying or sports, the level of the competition here, was far, too far beyond normal children's.

- Yes. They are the masterpieces of White Room. The boy's name is Ayanokouji... Kiyotaka if i remember correctly. And the girl's name is Suzuki Shizuku. Their code are 4-01 and 4-50.

- Even if they graduate from White Room as the elites, will that be truly a fruit of this experiment, father ?

- What make you think so ?

- They can just have good DNA to be superior, that's what i think.

- I see, the curriculum they are following is surely intense. There is a chance that everything you think is right. You really are wise, as wise as her, your personality included.

- Thank you father, that makes me happy. Being compared to my mother is the highest words of praise to me.

- However, about Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, i can't say that his DNA is in genius level in anyway. His father, Professor Ayanokouji, has never graduated from a top university or possessed outstanding athleticism. His mother, is also a normal wife with a weak body. If i can point out special things about Professor, that would be two things: A stronger ambition than anybody and a never-yielding and indomitable fighting spirit.

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