Chapter Thirteen

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Jiyoon POV

I was sleeping soundly until water being splashed on my face, instantly wake me up.

"Anna." I saw her with a burning gaze, holding an empty water bottle.

"You call me Anna? Am I hearing that right?" She asked sarcasticly.

"Why did you do this to me? What did I do wrong to you? Tell me now." I desperately said.

"You talk whatever you wanna talk about, Jiyoon. 10 years, I feel the pain. 10 years, Vernon doesn't care about me at all."

"And now, it's time for me to take revenge for what I felt all this time!!" She looked at me.

"Maybe, with the last way I have done before, Vernon didn't impressed. But I think, the way I'm doing it now, maybe he will be impressed."

"You didn't see it or deliberately pretended not to see it, Anna? You really only think about yourself, right? You never think about other people." I attacked with words.

"SHUT UP YOU!!" She shouted, nearly making my ear turned deaf.

"He's badly hurt, Anna."

"SHUT UP!! SHUT UP!!" She said, hitting my arms two times.

"AUCH!!" I shrieked in pain.

"So what do you want to do now? You want me to die, right?"

"EXACTLY!! I REALLY WANT YOU TO DIE!!" She shouted and giggling at the end.

"But actually, I want Vernon to die because if he dies, no one else will get him. But, since you're already here, you're the one who should die then.

"You're the one who should die, right?" She repeated it two times while slightly pushing my wheelchair.

"Before you die, I want you to feel the pain first and let Vernon suffer. Is it okay?"

"What do you want to do with me?" I sobs.

"Hmm, what should I do to you?" She said while patting my head.

"I'll do this?" She slapped me once.

"I'l do this? She slapped me oce again.

"Or maybe this?" She grabbed my hair and pull it to the back.


"I have an idea. AAAAAAAA!!" She screamed in excitement.

"I do this." She stepped on my bandage-covered-legs several times.

I could just shouted in pain.

"That hurts. Oww that hurts." She mocked me.

"Pity you." She said while stroking my face.

"Shout Vernon!! Vernon!! Help me Vernon!!" She mocked me once again.

She stopped her actions and I start to talk.

"It's useless for you to do this to me, Anna. You just let me go."

She turned her head and approached me, "You think I'm stupid? If I do so, you can get married with Vernon."

"It's all about mate, Anna. You take me everywhere you want but if I'm destined to be with Vernon, I'll still be his wife, Anna."

"Watch your mouth, women. Did you know that Vernon is mine?" She laughed.

"The more you do this Anna, he will even hate you more."

Suddenly her phone rang. She showed it to me..

"Omg, it's Vernon. Vernon!! Give it to me, Anna."

"Your soon-to-be husband is calling me. Please shut your mouth. She said and went a little away from me to pick up the call.

Anna POV

"Hello Anna. Where's Jiyoon? I don't even care with your love story and your feelings for me. I don't care all of that, okay? Now I want you to return Jiyoon. Where is she? If you do anything to Jiyoon, ou done for, I'll find you." He straight to the point.

"Wait." I said and walk towards Jiyoon, and ask her to talk.

"Vernon!!" She shouted but I purposely stepped on her feet again making her shrieked in pain.

I put the phone closer to her for several seconds and hang up.

Dino POV

"I'm afraid she would do anyhing to Jiyoon. You know she's a psycho." I tell Joshua.

"Maybe she threatened him to go alone. What is her motive to always bother Vernon?" Joshua exclaims.

"If she's gone crazy, I don't know what will she do to Jiyoon. Actually we need to report this to the police Shua." I said.

Jiyoon POV

"Goodbye Jiyoon!! After this, I'll go far away from here with Vernon. Only us. We will live happily ever after. Yeay happy ending." She said in joy.

"You think you will be happy, Anna?" I smirked and soon shook my head.

"I have been dreaming of this happiness for a long time. From the first time I met Vernon, I already felt very happy. The happy feelings that I haven't feel before." She said.


"Tsk, are you jealous?" She asked.

"Why would I'll be jealous? We all will die one day, we only live temporarily. Didn't you scared to meet the God after all the sin that you've do? Please think."

My Only Star (2)|Vernon Chweजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें