Chapter Eight

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Jiyoon POV

"What?" That was the only thing I was able to word out.

I was too shocked by the news. He hugged me while crying hard.

"Vernon, let's go. Let's meet them please." I said, trying to hold my tears.

He nodded and we leave the restaurant. We got in the car and soon arrived at the hospital.

He opened the door of the morgue, just to see his parents' body lying with a white cloth covering each of their bodies.

His hands were shaking as he reached out to pull over those white clothes. He looked at his parents face, crying.

I couldn't handle my tears and it all escapes my eyes, rolling down my cheek.

"Why did you guys leave me? You haven't seen me married yet. Please wake up." He sobs uncontrollably.

"Mom, I haven't apologized to you yet. Why did you leave me? Why?"

"I'm sorry for all I did wrong, Mom."

"Dad, all this time, you guided me, you protected me. Your loved me unconditionally. I love you." That's the last thing I heard from him and we both left the hospital.

After that, we attend their funeral, along with all our friends, Joshua, Woozi, Dino and even Wonwoo.

"Mom, Dad. Thank you for everything."

*Few Days Later*

It has been several days after Vernon's parents' funeral and I help him to calm down, probably he's traumatised from the incident.

I was so happy that he can get back to normal again. As long as he's happy, so am I.

It is evening, and I was at Vernon's house, accompanying him so he wouldn't feel very lonely.

We sat down on the sofa and suddenly Vernon knelt down in front of me.

"Shin Jiyoon, will you be my wife? Will you marry me?" He asked.

I smiled, slightly tearing up, "Choi Hansol, after all this journey that we faced together, of course I would. I love you forever and ever."

"Me too Jiyoon. I love you so much." He gives me the sweetest smile ever.

We kissed at that time until my phone rang.

"Oh, Oppa. Annyeong!! Why are you calling?"

"Actually, Jiyoon-" He sounded so seriously.

"It's about dad."

"Oh, why?" I asked.

"His apartment caught on fire and he couldn't make it out."

I snapped, my grip loosened resulting the phone to fall on my lap.

Jiyoon, what happened?" Vernon asks me with a worried face.

"Dad. He- He's gone. His apartment got on fire and-" I couldn't finish my words, my tears take control of me.

Vernon hugged me tight, as if he knows what happened.

"Jiyoon. I need you to calm down okay. Don't worry, I will always be here for you. It is time for me to return your favour. Let's meet your dad." He whispers in my ear.

My tears kept fallling from my eyes and Vernon accompanied me to his car, drove straight to the hospital.

There was Wonwoo, sitting on the chair, probably waiting for me.

"Jiyoon!!" He jogged towards me.

"Here." He passed me an envelope.

"What is this?" I asked.

"This is Dad's letter to you, he threw it out the window and the police found it on the floor. Probably he wants to save it." Wonwoo explained.

I open the envelope and started to read the letter.

To : Shin Jiyoon

Hello my precious daughter. If you're reading this letter, I'm probably not with you anymore. I want to apologize to you, I couldn't be a perfect father for you. Please forgive me. I have destroyed our family and I hope you could forgive me for that. Wonwoo is the only family you have left. Please listen to him okay. I love you, my princess.

Your Beloved Dad

I couldn't handle my tears, Vernon pat my head and Wonwoo hold my hands while crouching down at me.

"Hey don't be sad okay. Your marriage is coming up, don't be gloomy like this. I know Vernon will take care of you here. Smile a bit okay." He pinched my lips softly.

I smiled at him and look at Vernon, "Jiyoon, Wonwoo's right. You have me."

Wonwoo stand up and pat Vernon's shoulder, "Congratulations."

We exchanged thankful smiles and soon come back home as usual. I waved at Vernon as he slowly disappeared from my eyes and Wonwoo grabbed my hand and went inside our house.

"Dad, I love you."

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